


7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info










Villian, Ally,



Long ago, before Lionsgate or Ascalon was built, an imp called Cosima fell in love with the Sun, he watched from afar and she went about her time. She knew he was there but waited for him to be brave and speak.

Cosima at last, spoke and befriended the Sun. She would venture out to the edge of the woods to see him everyday from then on. Pranks. Laughter. Smiles. They were happy.

One day, Cosima kneeled before her and offered a ring. The Sun mocked the ring and told him that he was a fool to believe their was anything between them. How could she fall in love with a monster. Alone. A monster was what everyone saw...

If a monster is all that every one sees. Then a monster they will get. It was easy for Cosima to turn a new leaf. It felt right. Liberating. He realized that mortals can't be lived with. Trying to be like them was a waste of his time. And so what was the one thing that never betrayed him. It was himself. He was created on this very land. It was his birthright. And he wanted what was his...

Power is perfection. And for the next several centuries Cosima practiced its glorious perfection. Practice makes perfect, after all. But my favorite type of power? Plain old, Mortal struggle. The misfortunes of the weak. Their misery became his happiness. Unfortunately... There was one problem. The Lords didn't like how I was corrupting their precious little humans. They tried to stop him. But being created from the Primes... They never stood a chance. So the imp set in motion the events that would lead to their extinction

There were none left. Or so he thought. Two royals survived. Together, with their magic, they restored hope to the people. Cosima's world was destroyed. His creation... ruined. They summoned the rain and the sunlight. People started to gather. The famine was eradicated and the drought was quenched. "Life" returned. And then? They came for him.

They chased Cosima, forcing him from his throne. Never letting him stop... not even for an instant. And when he could go no further? They were waiting... ready. To face the imp.

Cosima underestimated them. Being cast with gold is quite a horrific experience... The pain? Unimaginable. But you know... What the worst part was? The last thing he saw... Was the Sun. Fortunately... he has an appreciation for beauty.

Now frozen in solid gold. Immovable and frozen in time. The people built their home around Cosima and began a new era.