Ownership Of Species: Dirms



7 years, 7 months ago
Trade Listing
For Offer


Rights to the specise purchased from 

Danny (#58378)

However, they have undergone a few changes since their purchase. Mostly considering mask markings/colours and more information has been figured out and planned for them.

Extra details/changes to them:


~ Brighter colours are allowed on mask ONLY, and ONLY for markings. (Bright colours are uncommon though. Generally going to grays/blacks, reds/blue's or just overall muted colours.)
~ Markings on mask are not over the top(Mask will not be fully painted ect.)
~ Natural colouring on the body only exists. No neon and bright colours ect. Some colours may be considered, but none are going to be flamingo pink ect. Redwingblackbird may be considered, where there is only a small amount of the brighter colour for example.
~ Mask being a colour OTHER than shades of white/grey is a very rare occurrence
~ Removal of the mask will mean death for them. Thus they take great care of their masks and are very careful with them.
~ Masks have the same look and feel as porcelain, but is not as easy to break as it looks. It’s about the same density as a horn or bone.
~ Dirms intelligence wise are like people. Some are idiots, some are smart, and some are lazy, ect.
~ Magic is a VERY RARE thing for Dirms. And it’s usually very minor, and often not even really realized.
~ Dirms are most often Polyamorous. They CAN mate for life if they find their soul or ‘bond-mates.’ But this is very rare and uncommon, and otherwise they don’t normally tend to keep to the same mate.
~ Dirms are not usually territorial except when it comes to breeding/caring/protecting young. However, disputes are not uncommon and can sometimes cause a scuffle.
~ Dirms do not often communicate verbally out loud. Instead they use a kind of telepathy/empathy. Some races and people cannot fully comprehend what they try to say, and can only understand emotions, as they also convey how their feeling and their emotions with doing so as well. 
This is a Closed Specise And You Are Not Permitted To Make Your Own. 
If You Would Like A Dirm Please Send Me A PM