Dr. Borealis



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Jonathan Borealis













Likes: Caffeine, smoking, and alcohol- he's practically an addict. Classic novels. The sciences, he has a PhD in Genetic Engineering, along with extensive knowledge in mathematics.

Dislikes: Children, he's not ready for that. Loud people and noises. Most of his coworkers drive him up the fucking wall. He is constantly stressed out and hating it.

Fears: Borealis fears failure, and it's why his work is all he cares about.

Traits: Reclusive, perfectionist, egocentric, anxious, workaholic, unstable, cynical, over-achiever, annoying.

Personality: Dr. Borealis is loose cannon, and is hard to like. He is unstable, unreliable, and bitter. However, he's damn smart. His genius only shows when it comes to his work. Borealis wants to be the perfect scientist in his field, and he'll make sure everybody knows that. His work is always clever and refined, reflecting his skills. However, the decisions he makes for success are often reckless, and he doesn't evaluate the consequences thoroughly. He pours himself into his work, believing his hard work pays off. Although his ambitious attitude has gotten him far in the workplace, that's all he is. Borealis is a nobody (as much as he hates to admit it) and not yet gaining fame for his achievements.

Socially, he is a trainwreck. Borealis is in short; rude, snappy, and extremely self-centered. He seemingly despises most people, perhaps for not thinking exactly like him/not understanding him, with the occasional person he clings onto. He doesn't enjoy casual social encounters and would rather be getting work done, or getting drunk...or both- Borealis's self-worth, in his eyes, is only as good as his work. If his work fails, he sees himself as a failure, too. This is what drives him to set the bar so high, and why he sees most of his work as "not good enough". He falls into depressive lows rather often, usually when his work is unsuccessful. Borealis has an unstable mood, and struggles with Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. This has led him to developing his alcohol-dependancy, and smoking habits.


Mother - Alive

Father - Status Unknown

Siblings - None

Maternal Grandparents - Deceased

Paternal Grandparents - Status Unknown

Partners - Too Many

Children - None...that he knows of-


Childhood - His childhood has been back and forth, with his father being one of...not the greatest people in the world. His mother left him, and Borealis moved in with his grandparents in Michigan. In school, Borealis excelled academically. Throughout his school years, Borealis earned rewards for his work.

Adolescence - This time was one of Borealis's low points. While in high school, his mental stability slowly began to decline. His grades, mood, and relationships were constantly fluctuating. In the end, Borealis left high school with a negative worldview, and low self-esteem. He developed several identity problems that would plague him throughout his college years. It was during high school that Borealis began experience manic and depressive episodes, which caused him to make several regrettable decisions.

College - In a way, college was much like his high school years. Though, he managed to pull through by winning several scientific awards. He was impulsive- getting into unhealthy relationships with men and women he disliked. Often, Borealis was the reason these relationships failed. He was impulsive, hated himself, struggled with his sexuality, and had tendency to revert to self-destructive behavior. His instability seemed to peak during university.

Adulthood - Borealis slowly began to stabilize himself after being employed at GEM&R. However, Borealis retained his recklessness, explosive temper, mood-swings, and being overly critical. He has been employed at GEM&R for around twenty years, landing the job fresh out of college. He fit in well with the company due to his lack of a concrete moral-compass and thirst for achievement. In the late 60's, Dr. Borealis proposed and was put in charge of the Borealis Genetics Project (which was named after him). Unfortunately, the project failed, and he disappeared with several escaped experiments time during the 70's.