
4 years, 3 months ago


Bloom Valix (closed species) won at for 25 Dollars on 20.02.2020


Lore from the page:

valix have many variations. Colors, patterns, looks, themes...

The valix live in different tribes. Each tribe has their own way of living.

The tribes:

Iramu Tribe: the wild hunters - the only ones that sabre tooth tigers had chosen to work with.

Shiwa tribe: the isolated - able to disguise / connecting with mother nature

Vidor tribe: the aggressive killers - only tribe to use weapons

Hikine tribe: the peaceful and caring - ability  to heal others

Naraos tribe: the spiritual and silent - able to summon spirits

Vlinder tribe: the only tribe that only shows up at night and hides at daytime because of their photosensitive skin.

Shui tribe: Also known as Aqua Valix. They mainly live under water but are able to live ashore aswell. They are peaceful and harmless. Able speak with animals.


Their features:

  • Pointy ears, can be long or short. Their tail, has always the same color as their skin and hair.
  • Tatoos - each tribe has their own tattoos.
  • Pendant - it's a soul pendant, each of them receives it at birth, which one depends on the month they were born, similiar to our zodiac signs.
  • The gems on their back are glowing in the dark and have the same colors as their pendant they receive at their birth.
  • Valix Can become over 250 years old.
  • Some of them have ear plugs, some have piercings aswell.
  • Sharp claws - can be retracted.
  • The ones who sacrifice a Lumegits life, achieve the power of angel/demon/nephilim


Valix can live in any kind of climate. Snowy, cold places, deserts, woods or jungles.

They might live in their own tribe but it can happen that 2 Valix of different tribes meet and reproduce. These children are not allowed to be part of any of their parents tribes. Most of use a fake identity. If a tribe finds out, there is a bastard between them, they hunt him down do death. Except for Naraos and Hikine. They rescue the poor souls and hide them from the hunting tribes. That's why these 2 tribes aren't able to free their angelic/ demonic/ nephelim powers and they are okay with it to live like this in peace). Valix also dress with normal clothing, they might live in tribes, still they like the modern life-style. Many of them like to wear clothing too, even shoes..

The ones who survived founded their own tribe: Lumengit

Lumnegit tribe is a very open-minded, friendly and caring one. They live a modern life-style. Similiar to us humans. The Lumnegit try to make their own life as normal as possible and be as different as they can from the other tribes. They also carry angelic/ Demonic/ nephilim DNA, which makes them very strong gives them the ability to heal their wounds within seconds. That's why other tribes want to hunt them and sarcifice their life to obtain their DNA for their own power.

Lumengit are protected by Naraos and Hikine tribe. Shui tribe has no interest in their power and doesn't hunt the Lumengit either.


Angelic/ Demonic/ Nephilim Valix
(ex-transformation idea)
Note: I think the idea of the transformation, was hard to understand and draw properly to really see a difference, that's why I chose this possibilty)

Every Valix is born with Demonic or Angelic DNA (or nephilim DNA - depends on parents).

only the ones who sacrifice the life of a lumengit are able to achieve the power of the angelic/demonic/nephilim given to them by the gods. (Getting wings/ horns/ sharp teeth/ spikes and making them stronger and faster). Not all of the Valix are interested in sacrificing the Lumengit for the powers, some are satisfied with the way they are and have no need to achieve the powers.


Female Valix are also hunters, just like men. Unlike in other species tribes, they dont take the role of the mother only. Everybody is equal in a Valix tribe.

They are born with their tattoos. Always mixed of mothers and fathers. Valix learn their skills from their parents and the animals they live with. They ride sabre-tooth tigers that they breed for their own purposes.

 Valix eat anything, that mother nature has to give. They are grateful for anything they get. All the Valix belive in higher force. They believe in more than only one god. Each god gives them strength for a specific purpose in their lives. Similiar to the greek gods we know.


There are 12 Months in a Valix Year.

The months/ souls:

Month of the dragon
Month of the bison
Month of the lion
Month of the phoenix
Month of the hawk
Month of the bear
Month of the skull
Month of the fox
Month of the praying mantis
Month of the wolf
Month of light
Month of darkness

Soul Pendant Characteristics sheet:


Soul / shadow forms:

The soul forms are Valix companions. They are their shadow and appear whenever a Valix is in need of help or injured. They  protect and help them. The soul forms can appear anytime, no matter if day or night. Their eyes are glowing in the same way as the pendants color.

I will add every soul form to the sheet  . It will be the vector above, standing behind the Valix as shadow.

I hope you like the idea. 

Valix is a closed species by (c) CherrysDesigns.

To my BloomValix Dahlia

She is a healer and part of the Hikine Tribe. Bloom-Valix are a sub species of Earth Valix. They can take on the energy on the flower that is decorated upon their body. 

Has a Phoenix Soul Pendant and is curious and cheerful.

Since part of Earth Valix, is afraid of the dark as they are weakened at night. So Dahlia tends to stay close to sun and light. 

Living in her own built and hidden Treehouse, she lets flowers bloom around. 
