Chief Resource Officer Matlock



4 years, 2 months ago


DOB: June 7th (2017) | She/her

A pirate cat who does pirate things. 


  • She had given the name "Cro" to herself. Her birth name is basically unknown to everyone else and Cro discarded the name when she had decided on being a pirate.
    • The name comes from job title Chief Revenue Officer, which gets abbreviated as CRO. She really just took that title and made it her name lol
    • Other names her crew calls her by include: Captain, Cap'n, Boss, Chief, Cap
  • Matlock is an alias she uses whenever she has reason to not use her real name (such as going undercover)
    • she later starts going by this name more often after she retires from piracy
  • "Crom" is another alias she uses, which comes from combining the former two names (Chief Resource Officer Matlock)
  • Her eye was lost during a raid. The enemy had one heck of a sharpshooter who had shot Cro's eye out with a pistol.
    • While Cro does have a bit of a blind spot now, the loss of her eye didn't really damage her fighting ability much.
  • Her favorite food is calamari. She loves fried foods in general and will probably eat anything if it's battered and fried.
  • Has somehow escaped death many times. It's a miracle she's even alive.
  • Once was captured and tortured for about a week before her crew managed to rescue her.
  • Runs a very tight ship and is known to be pretty strict and harsh, but she genuinely does care for her crew and sees them as her family.
    • Her crew complains a lot but they all highly respect her.
  • Is quite good at speaking several languages. Cro picked up a few bilingual crew members to act as translators and asked them to also teach her their languages too. 
    • She's not super fluent in anything, but she can hold a conversation for the most part.
  • Being at sea means a decent amount of free time to do whatever. So Cro likes to spend a lot of that time learning things from her crew.
  • Whenever they dock to resupply the ship and rest, Cro enjoys touring whatever town they landed in and trying local dishes.