Sailor Hypnos



4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Ainsley McMahon

Nickname: Ains

Age: 9 10 11 12 13 14

Birthday: February 28

Sign: Pisces

Gemstone: Amethyst

Blood Type: A-

Fav. Food: Strawberry Ice Cream, Pudding and Sorbet

Hated Food: Meat

School: Knightside Elementary Wright Academy (Private School)


Animals < Bunnies — Ainsley loves animals but in particular, she has a small obsession passion for bunnies. By the laws of the transitive property, her obsession passion includes: rabbits, hares and bunnies; stuffed animals in the shape bunnies; people dressed as bunnies; people with a hairstyle that reminds her of a bunny; hopping; and things with floppy ears.

Idle Activities with Paper — Colouring, drawing and writing on paper are all fun things to do that could be considered a "quiet" activity, often used to shut children up or just something to do on one of those rainy days. It doesn't have to be raining though, Ainsley does not mind settling down with a piece of paper and a pack of crayons.

Singing — Songs have an ability to bring life to a room, and joy to people. It is no different for Ainsley. Singing brings her joy and inner peace, a serenity to wash over her with each note passing. It is a hobby she can do anywhere, and anytime without concern of needing tools or instruments. The only thing she needs is herself. Wonderful places to sing include: Bath time, chore time and bed time.

The Princess is in Another Castle — Fairy Tales are the greatest! More specifically, she loves the idea of a prince saving the princess and them living happily ever after. She dreams of being a princess and meeting her prince charming. If there is a story out there about a prince and princess, Ainsley wants to listen to/read/watch it! She honestly believes fairy tales are very real and that there is definitely a prince out there to save and protect her. In the meanwhile, she likes to give her stuffed bunnies fancy, princely names.



Independent — Ainsley was the only child when she grew up, and did not have a solid parental figure or sibling to help her do things. She had to learn on her own, and by doing so has become very independent about most things. She will proudly tell anyone that she learned how to tie bunny ears to keep her shoes together all by herself to anyone who asks.

Sedate — She is usually very calm, quiet and composed as she is used to taking up space in the background as a wall flower. She won't fuss around it and will keep a reasonable mind set. She is the kind of girl who doesn't mind taking a walk by herself or exploring if there is no one to play with. Even when she is happy, she usually isn't overflowing the cup.

Sincere — Emotions are a fickle thing and pretending they aren't there never does anyone any good. If she is sad, she will cry. If she is happy, she will smile. If she's disappointed, you'll know. Her face is able to express many feelings that her vocabulary may not and her face is much more honest than any pair of lips.

Sweet — She is a kind-hearted child and a very thoughtful girl who would be pleased to help out a person in need. She likes to get along with people, and tries her best to see the better side of things and not be upset when something is not in her favour. She will forgive you, and forgive you yet again. She would put a rose on the grave of an enemy.


Curiosity — Why are you doing that? Why can't I do that? Why do I have to do this? What happens if I do this? Why can't I stay with daddy? Ainsley is very curious, and about everything. She just has to know, to fill that thirst in her mind that seeks knowledge and answers to all the questions in the universe. The answers bring peace to her heart that beats for them.

Invasive — Personal space? What is that? Ainsley isn't familiar with this and can end up being very intrusive. If she wants to lay in your lap, she's going to climb up and lay in your lap. She doesn't want to be left out and if you don't allow her into your world, she will try and try to squeeze her way in.

Naïve — Santa Claus, Rudolph and the eight other reindeer flying around the world on Christmas Eve delivering toys that little elves make; fairies taking teeth in exchange for loose change; white bunnies hopping around during Easter delivering chocolate and painted eggs: Ainsley still believes it all. People have always told her they existed, and she believes them. Not only does she believe that, but she'll believe anything you say. Be careful what you say though because she will ask you questions, and probably lots of them. Her understanding is very simple.

Stubborn — She doesn't need your help to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf. She can get it all by herself! If she falls and you catch her, she will pout. She didn't need you to catch her! She would have been okay if you hadn't. She may be a child but that doesn't mean she can't do it by herself. She doesn't like to admit that she needs help and will go beyond her reach to avoid doing so and admitting she did need it.

Senshi: Eternal Chibi Sailor Hypnos, Chibi Senshi of Sleep

Challenge: Forget your anger before your lie down to sleep.


Sailor Attack: Sleep Dust

This attack causes shiny particles to spread over a small radius that induces the rubbing of the eyes and yawning to ANYONE in the Area of Effect except Sailor Chibi Hypnos. This attack can be used as a distraction, annoyance and contagious plot to make everyone feel tired. People generally aren't as responsive when they're tired.

Range: 1M, AoE

Duration: Until the dust is out of their eyes

Super Sailor Attack: Sleep Rheum

This attack causes shiny particles to spread over a larger radius that induces serve rubbing of the eyes and yawning to ANYONE in the Area of Effect except Sailor Chibi Hypnos. This attack can be used as a distraction, annoyance and contagious plot to make everyone feel tired. People generally aren't as responsive when they're tired.

Range: 3M, AoE

Duration: Until the dust is out of their eyes

Eternal Sailor Attack: Sleep Paralysis

This attack sets up the same way her previous attacks do but will only cover one opponent and in a more concentrated amount that causes that single opponent to become unable to move for a short period of time as if they were actually sleeping in a REM cycle. However, the opponent will be awake.

Range: 10M, Single

Duration: 15 Sec