


4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Thetis Nicknames: Heracles, Cat Breed: Selkirk Rex Attached To: Alignment: Order Blood Type: B Fav. Food: Chicken Feet, Curry, Deer, Lobster, Milk, Rabbit, Syrup on White Bread, Square Watermelon, Tomato Sauce User ImageHated Food: Blueberries, Brussel Sprouts, Cherry Tomatoes, Cheese Balls, Citrus Fruit, Cocoa Puffs, Doughnut Holes, Grapes, Gumballs, Meat Balls, Melon Balls, Peas, Quinoa, Round Watermelon Hobbies: Baking — Whoever says a cat can't bake is a dirty liar! Certainly, a cat operating a conventional oven is a ridiculous notion but there are still options out there to be explored without the health and safety of the feline being endangered! Primarily it comes in a box (which Thetis can also thoroughly enjoy), and then with the flick of a light bulb a whole new world opens up. Yes, the light inside is quite amazing if you ask Thetis and yes, he does fall into the memorizing glitter of it but it is certainly not endangering his life. It might not be as amazing as the conventional oven and Thetis might be envious of all those glorious cake pans but he'll accept just sleeping in one because his love is not completely denied. He might not be able to craft a glorious wedding cake but he still enjoys making little cat-sized treats with the Easy-Bake Oven! Calligraphy — Sometimes he uses his mouth and other times he uses his paws to hold the writing utensil but each time the result is quite shocking. It might not be the most beautiful or fancy writing out there and it takes a lot of patience and concentration for Thetis to pull off but what Thetis is most proud of is the fact it is actually legible. Someday Thetis dreams to be able to write beautiful letters but for now he's very proud of the fact it is legible. Horseback Riding — This may seem like a strange hobby for a cat, especially one as small as Thetis, but prior to awakening as a guardian cat Thetis actually belonged to a child from a very wealthy family who owned several riding horses. The child toted him around everywhere with her and in that time he befriended the horses. They let him ride them, and his small world would open up around him. Even now, after his life did a complete 360, the feeling he gets when he's on top of an equine brings back all the feelings he felt when he was just a normal cat and makes him feel like he's more than he actually is. Piano — Small paws aren't nearly as handy as long fingers but Thetis makes it work. Sometimes he uses his head, sometimes he uses his feet and most times it just sounds like a horrible clank clank clank. It doesn't matter how many notes he knows, or how many songs he's memorized because in the end the poor little guardian cat just doesn't have the fingers necessary to produce the harmonious melodies. His songs will never be the beautiful serenade it deserves to be but Thetis just can't give up his love for the instrument simply because of his own shortcomings. Virtues: User ImageChivalrous — There is a level of respect that everyone is given by Thetis. He considers everyone, often offering up his own things to them when in need and listening to them speak with his full attention. He takes promises very seriously and will only agree to terms he believes he can follow through with. In a situation where he is unable to keep a promise, Thetis will do everything he can to attempt to make it up in another way. Diligent — Thetis may have a lot of shortcomings but you have to give him credit for sticking with it. He's not invincible and eventually his failure gets him down to the point where he throws his paws up into the air and gives up but he doesn't stay down in the dumps for long. He crawls back up, and while it might take him time he won't give up and eventually you'll see him back in the game and trying again. The world might be rooting against him but there is one thing the world can never call him and that's a quitter. Imaginative — Simple things that others might take for granted are amazing in the eyes of Thetis. A tree is a tower to the heavens and a lake is a mighty ocean. The light from lampposts sparkle like stars and the rain is a waterfall extending down from it. Simple things that others simply toss aside as normal, everyday things are full of wonder to Thetis. Meticulous — There is a graceful air to Thetis' movements because he is careful of everything around him. He does everything with a delicate care and he will not do something half-heatedly just to get the job done. He will do it right. Details are more than just small, replaceable pieces of the world but a necessity. With sharp eyes, Thetis will not simply ignore something that others toss aside as unimportant. Flaws: Apprehensive — The world is a dangerous place and Thetis knows this. Worry after worry, Thetis is a nervous wreck. Even simple, everyday tasks are a chore for Thetis to complete. Whether he is walking down an empty hallway or walking down a busy street, there is something lurking around every corner that could foil his plans. Some days he can't bring himself to pull away from the cozy and safe spot on the desk but on the days he does find the reason to get up, worries follow him everywhere. Do you know what could happen beyond those walls? Today could be the day balls fall from the sky! Seriously, don't joke about hailstorms. Indecisive — Would you like your eggs easy, medium or hard? Would you like peanut butter or jam on your toast? Thetis has a hard time making a decision out of fear it'll be the wrong one. You can tell him a dozen times it is only an egg and it really doesn't matter how you eat it but he'll still spend an excessive amount of time choosing, and even after he eats it he'll still be thinking that maybe he should have gotten it the other way. Sensitive — Thetis may be small but his heart is huge and he wears it on his furcoat. As a result, he is easily hurt by the things around him. Whether it is physical, mental or emotional pain; Thetis suffers over many things he doesn't need to. Simple comments that don't mean anything are taken to heart and Thetis finds himself upset. If that wasn't bad enough, he is very in tuned to his surroundings and the feelings of others. He relates to them so much that he takes on their pain as a sympathy pain or phantom pain. Broken heart? He makes a great pillow to cry into if you don't mind him crying even more than you are. Submissive — Thetis often shies away from the things he wants and does things he doesn't agree with in order to please the desires of others. He will hide his feelings in order to avoid hurting their feelings, and when anyone asks he will trivialize it to cover his disappointment. If things go south, Thetis will assume that it is his fault and accept the blame from others even when he isn't to blame.