Sailor Orpheus



4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Pascal Lalande Nickname: / Age: 16 17 18 19 20 Birthday: October 15 Sign: Libra Gemstone: Kunzite Blood Type: AB+ Fav. Food: Pineapple Pizza with Olives Hated Food: Chili, Oatmeal, Tapioca Pudding School: Horizon Institute for Technology and Science Hobbies: Books -- Any kind of book will do, but Pascal loves to read and pursue his knowledge further. Poetry especially seems to be an interest to Pascal, perhaps because it has no real use in society. He has to admit though, you would never believe how easy you can seduce a woman with a couple beautiful words placed together in an appealing manner. Kickboxing -- Pascal was always smarter than the majority of the people around him and it didn't take long for him to learn the way of the world. It was a brutal reality for a studious student like Pascal, quickly becoming the target of bullies while growing up. He may not have been smart enough to rat them out and get the shit kicked out of him for it but he was certainly smart enough to make sure it never happened again, and never does. Robotics -- Pascal doesn't like to get his hands dirty, preferring to have others do things for him, so instead he builds robots to do things for him. They're obedient and don't talk back, doing exactly what they're programmed to do (minus all those test runs where they do exactly the opposite of what you program them to... he doesn't like this part very much). Science & Technology -- The world revolves around it, and it always has. Every great stride the world has taken has had a brilliant scientific mind behind it and Pascal intends to be that mind. He attends science and technology conferences when possible and follows the AAAS movements as well as recent NASA discoveries religiously. Virtues: Charming -- Smile if you mean it, smile if you don't. A smile can go a long way to getting what you want. It is at the top of a list of things that will give you a better appearance along with being polite, and acting like a gentleman. These can certainly make a great first impression and help you woo your way through life. Job interview? Business partner? The better you are, the more they will like you. Cameron understands this, even if he doesn't always like it, and keeps his darker thoughts inside to display his best face. Confident -- Cameron has plenty of confidence to go around. He doesn't feel like he's inapt and he's certainly not going to let you think he is. He will work hard to prove how much better he is, and he will do it better than the other person. Or at least he thinks he will. See that confidence? He's not shy, and he will voice his opinion. Observant -- The best way to succeed is to listen to the things around you and observe the world. All the best scientists made the world the way it is now because of it. Cameron believes the best way to learn is to listen to the professor's lectures, watch him demonstrate activities and follow along carefully; and the best way to avoid being squished below someone's feet and to stand above them is to listen for their weaknesses. Cameron may appear to be a wonderful listener, but does he really care about your problems? Probably not, but he will listen to it nonetheless. Flaws: Judgmental -- The population of the world is filled with idiots. There is just so much to judge: that person has filthy shoes, that person needs to iron their pants, that person can't even stop their kid from crying. On that topic: why won't those kids ever shut up? Needless to say, he probably has a bone to pick with you and once his mind is set on something you're going to need a bulldozer or maybe even a meteor to break it. Manipulative -- The world is your oyster when you can get what you want, and it helps that Cameron has confidence in himself but lacks any sort of confidence in others, especially in their ability to make the right choice. Frankly, people are much better when they do what you want and not what they think they want. Cameron obviously is smarter than them and would know what's better for them, and especially what's better for them to do for him. Selfish -- Everything is all about what Cameron wants. What he wants to happen, what he wants you to know, what he wants you to do. The question is: what can you do for him? Do you have money, resources or power? If not, are you useful in anyway? If you fail to meet any of those requirements then Cameron probably doesn't have any need for you. Senshi: Sailor Orpheus, Dark Mirror Super Senshi of Charm Challenge: I'm no prince charming. Attacks: Sailor Attack: Charming Look Orpheus looks at his opponent, charming them to believe that he is their ally. The resulting effect causes his opponent to believe he is their ally however this does not alter their behaviour. They will treat him just how they would treat an ally, whether it is good or bad. Duration: 60 seconds Range: Single Target Super Sailor Attack: Charming Smile Orpheus smiles at his opponent, charming them to believe that he is their ally. The effect of the magic is stronger his time, causing a stronger feeling than Charming Look did. How much stronger and which way it affects the character is entirely up to the player. Finally, since a star needs his adoring fans, this attack can effect up to three people. Duration: 60 seconds for 1 / 45 seconds for 2 / 30 seconds for 3 Range: Single Target (x3) Eternal Sailor Attack: Charming Melody Orpheus summons a spiritual golden lyre to make his performance. Orpheus casts his charm onto the enchanting sound that resonates from his lyre, affecting anyone within a 5 meter radius around him. The moment it starts, the sounds begin to charm his audience into a trance. In this state the character will be disarmed, becoming quite docile and much less willing to fight than they were previously. Duration: 30 Seconds* * Alternatively this magic will wear off if Orpheus either stops playing or is interrupted. Range: AoE (5 Meters)