
4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Angeliki Argyros Greek: Αγγελικη Ἀργυρός Nickname: / Age: 21 22 Birthday: December 25 Sign: Capricorn Gemstone: Garnet Blood Type: O- Fav. Food: Mom's Cooking Hated Food: Dad's Cooking School: DCU Hobbies: Chordophone -- Angeliki has a wide assortment of string instruments in her collection. She plays them regularly but rarely sticks to one particular instrument for a long period of time. A Jack of All Trades, she's not particularly talented in any one instrument but she is capable of using most of them. Dance -- Angeliki has been in various dance classes since she was eight years old. Despite the amount of time she has devoted to the art, Angeliki is neither the best or the worst. She is adequate and that's quite possibly worse than being the worst when she can't be the best. Photography -- Angeliki likes to take pictures of landscapes and rocks but when it comes to taking pictures of people she hates when they pose. She likes spontaneous shots of people actually living, not pictures of zombies. Not to be confused with actual zombies because Angeliki actually is quite interested in photographing the Zombiewalk this year. Rocks -- Jars. Jars everywhere of rocks. This girl collects rocks like a crazy person. Agate slices are so pretty! Have you met Tom? That's her guard rock, more appropriately titled a door-stopper. Virtues: Classy -- High class food, designer fashions and an attitude to match it. Angeliki presents herself in a certain fashion, always dressing with the appropriate clothes. She keeps herself well groomed and never dresses down, preferring to dress up for the occasion instead. She honours her word and keeps the promises she makes while being polite in the process. She doesn't spit and tries to resist the urge to laugh at other people or insult them. Confident -- Angeliki may not be the best at everything but she's quite confident in her ability to succeed in the tasks given to her. Her confidence carries itself from the way Angeliki walks (with her shoulders back, her head held high and her eyes ahead) to simply how she handles the tasks given to her. Rarely fraught with worry, Angeliki believes that things will work out not because she believes in the world but because she believes in herself. Tact -- Angeliki chooses her words carefully. She knows that words hold power and that more often than not words can be more effective than actions. She is careful not to say things insensitively, and to time her choices of words carefully. She knows that sometimes a white lie is better than an unkind truth but also that sometimes the truth is necessary and that when it is that it should be delivered kindly. Zealous -- She's got a passionate soul filled with devotion and diligence for the things she believes in. She lives with a strong sense of faith and values the life she has greatly. She works hard to keep things the way they are or make them better, not accepting the idea of things getting worse than they are. She has great faith in what she does, and puts everything she has into what's important to her. Flaws: Capricious -- Angeliki doesn't wait for things to happen to her, preferring to take things into her own hands. Not excluded to her own situations, Angeliki is very meddlesome in the affairs of others. In the matter of her own affairs, she handles money very poorly despite having the better judgement for it. If there is something she likes, she will buy it and regress over it later. Buyer's remorse is very common for Angeliki but she'd deny that accusation. Covetous -- Angeliki is by no means a selfless person. She rarely does things for other people unless there is something in it for her. She frequently becomes jealous of other people, often for petty, materialistic reasons. She feels like she deserves the best, and while definitely something to strive for, she believes she deserves it simply because she wants it. No one else deserves it nearly as much as her, and everyone else has things so easy. Fiery -- You know what they say about redheads? Don't let Angeliki hear you saying that. She is quick to fire up and hard to extinguish. She can be easily provoked on many subjects and once the topic has been breached, it becomes hard to take it away. Not the type of person to let her temper cause a fight, Angeliki is much more likely to let it fester within her for an extended period of time until it explodes. Meddlesome -- With a bit of a boundary issue, Angeliki has been known to meddle in the affairs of others. More often for her benefit than their own, she interferes in their lives. She is not against trying to force her lifestyle onto other people, and will try to force people into situations she wants. Attempts begin as subtle suggestions that become more adamant as time progresses. Senshi: Ice, Corrupt Senshi of Magma Asteroid: Pele Challenge: Feel the burn of Ice. Attacks: Sailor Scout Attack: Fissure Ice takes a step onto a surface and claps both of her hands together, calling out the name of her attack. Outward from where her foot stands, a crack opens up from the ground and red hot lava begins to seep out of the cracks in the ground in a slow fashion. No control of where the fissures go out from her step, it is possible to dodge this attack or for friendly fire to occur. If someone steps on the cracks or the lava that slowly flows from the cracks then burns will occur. Range: AoE (5 Metres) Duration: 30 Sec Special Effect: Minor Burns Super Sailor Scout Attack: Fault Ice takes a step onto a surface and claps both of her hands together, calling out the name of her attack. Outward from where her foot stands, a crack opens up from the ground and red hot lava begins to seep out of the cracks in the ground in a faster fashion. No control of where the fissures go out from her step, it is possible to dodge this attack or for friendly fire to occur. Similar to its previous attack, cracks appear in the ground for lava to flow out of it. Unlike previously, the cracks are now larger and the lava flows out more freely and faster than before making it harder to dodge and burns to be much more severe than previously. Range: AoE (5 Metres) Duration: 45 Sec Special Effect: Severe Burns Eternal Sailor Attack: Fire Fountain Ice takes a step onto a surface and claps both of her hands together, calling out the name of her attack. Outward from where her foot stands, a crack in the ground travels approximately 5M away from her. Unlike her previously attacks, lava does not flow out of the cracks in the ground. A red glow is visible from the cracks but unless you stick something into them then no harm is likely to occur. The real culprit here is where the cracks lead. Bursting out from the ground, red hot rocks fly into the air around and then a fire fountain of lava projects into the area like a fountain would. Lava pools around the source and flows outward with great speed. Damage from this attack can occur from the projectile rocks as well as the lava. Range: AoE (5 Metres) Duration: 30 Sec Special Effect: Minor & Severe Burns ** When the duration of these attacks end, the magma hardens and the cracks disappear. **