


4 years, 4 months ago



Name: Nicole Walter

Nickname: Nick (Derived from its predecessor: Nicky), Walter

Age: 33 34 35

Birthday: January 1

Sign: Capricorn

Gemstone: Garnet

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Baked Goods (especially pie)

Hated Food: Haggis, Head Cheese, Kale

Job: Law Enforcement


Interior Decorating -- This hobby embarrasses her because more often than not the response she got when she mentioned it was laughter. It simply didn't fall in line with the rest of her hobbies and life, but she has always made time for it. It is kind of hard not to, look at that crown molding! How could she not decorate her house to highlight their beauty? And those hardwood floors—absolutely breathtaking! Did you see this area rug? It's made of real sheepskin!

Motorcycles -- Every girl needs a way to get from point A to point B and this one has chosen two wheels over four. She can't just drive one without taking care of and knowing about it, oh no no no. She studies them, and invests her time into reading about new developments in models and designs. How fast can the engine on this typically take? Are these new brakes really better? How are the aerodynamics? Upright position and visibly? It's all good here in motorcycle land.

Organization -- This isn't anything torturous to her, she actually really loves it. Everything has its place and sometimes that place changes over time and she will do a clean sweep of her environment and assign everything a new place to suit her needs. This doesn't only include her own spaces. She can be found in the library reorganizing books on occasion, changing the layout of the furniture in restaurants (or just how they arranged the salt and pepper shakers) and even gardening. That's right, no lawn gnome is safe!

Volunteering -- Give her a cause and she'll be there. No, really: She's more than happy to give some of her time to helping needy animals at an animal shelter, putting on a bake sale to raise money for a local grade school, helping hand out food and cleaning up at a soup kitchen, building homes for low income families, picking up trash around the city (even on her own), baking anything but pies for convicts, and even organizing books at the library. She's not really picky about it, simply eager to help out anywhere necessary (and sometimes not).

Work -- She's addicted to her job. End of story.



Altruistic -- She didn't go into law enforcement for her own gain, or simply to have a career, but instead to help the people who couldn't help themselves. Every year crime rates soar, and every year more and more people become unable to even support themselves in such a world. In tune to the feelings of those around her, she is unable to simply stand by and watch. Despite warnings from those who care about her, she goes above and beyond what is expected. She is the kind of woman who would take the clothes off her back for someone in need, or lay down on a wire to allow others safe passage across.

Ambitious -- She doesn't simply wait for things to come to her. If good things are going to happen, it is going to happen because she worked hard to get them to. She doesn't believe in simply getting through life by being lucky, nor does she believe in a life that isn't lived. There are so many things that she can do, and she's going to do as many of them as she can. And why yes, yes she does have a list.

Analytical -- A lot of care is placed in every thought and decision before it ever even gets close to being an action. Details are the foundation, building blocks and structure of her life, giving her an incredible attention to the detail of things around her. If things are not in the place she left them, she will notice and automatically begin formulating a theory based on the information she knows to figure out where they went. Facts are not facts without having the proper sources to back them up, and if you plan to bring up any points or ideas to her then you better be able to prove it.

Righteous -- There is a thin line between right and wrong but with proper care you can ensure you do not cross it. Temptation is great in the world, and it is easy to cross the line when the consequences are minimum but that's not how she rolls. Strict rules are what keeps order in the world, and once you cross them then what? She will watch your house, and although she might clean it up, she definitely will not look through your personal belongings. Harmless peek? No such thing! Confidential information is kept under wraps and secrets are kept zipped behind her lips. Despite the great temptation for furthering her own career alone, she won't take credit for work she didn't do even if she was given permission to do so. It just isn't how she swings, and on the same hand she also won't allow someone to take credit for work they didn't do even if she ends up the bad guy.


Overbearing -- Everything needs to be a certain way: Her way. It doesn't matter if it is the state of your apartment or how you're addressing your child but if it is not how she'd handle it then clearly you're doing it wrong. She will explain (in quite a bit of detail) the errors of your way to you... if she doesn't go out of her way to correct it first. She won't accept no as an answer, even if you say it ten times in a row. With the persistence of a cockroach, she will keep coming at you until you give in to her demands. Don't mistake her actions as something that can only happen while you're around, simply ignoring her will not work either. If she is left alone, she will even clean and organize a person's personal space in good faith.

Overconfident -- With her head held high, there is nothing she can't do. She may stand at a striking 5'2" but she acts like she's 6'2". Does she tower over you? No, but her attitude certainly does. She doesn't stop to consider if she can do something or not, and instead she just steps up to the plate. That plate may have more than she can handle on it, but she'd never admit to it. She can do it, leave it to her!

Overcritical -- Everyone may be human but she does not believe everyone should make mistakes. Mistakes can cost someone their life! With that in mind, she judges even small mistakes much more severely than they typically would be judged. Mistakes aren't the only thing she's judging though. Everything you've ever laid out on the table and then some is being judged and speculated upon. She's a little insensitive because of it, sometimes forgetting her original intention was to help them—not point out all their flaws.

Overzealous -- Enthusiasm isn't even a contender here. Is happy to do it? Definitely but she is constantly going overboard in the process. With a diligence of 510%, she will try and run the entire show. She invests herself fully into everything she does and everything those around her do, making sure everything goes exactly how it needs to go. She can't fully rely on everyone else so she watches everyone like a hawk to make sure things go smoothly, and even when things go smoothly often she still ends up stepping in to do it herself. More than a little pushy, she'll step on a few toes if need be.


Knight Title: Svartalfheim, Page of Saturn

Challenge: This is your final warning!


Page -- Oh hey, it's just a ribbon. How pretty!

Squire -- Rope: In another time, a view of the gallows would be what awaited those unfortunate enough to fall into this circumstance. For 30 seconds, Svartalfheim's opponent will find just their hands bound behind them by magic, and an unnerving sensation of something around their neck.

Knight -- Noose: Hands bound and ready for the gallows, the noose—infused by the death of worlds—brings forth the emotion that lingered immediately after death from those who have died. Svartalfheim's opponent will find just their hands bound behind them by magic for 30 seconds, and for that time they will mentally and emotionally experience what it were to feel like if they inches from death. As an illusion, this magic does not inflict any actual physical damage and what is experienced each time varies upon the person.


The current Svartalfheim and the past Svartalfheim are two completely different people. Svartalfheim is not a reincarnation of the Svartalfheim that existed 1,000 years ago but is instead a descendant of the Svartalfheim bloodline.

The warden of the Svartalfheim (Saturn's Prison) was Nicholas of the Ivaldi Clan.


... that she is severely allergic to raspberries?

... that she is adopted?