Erin's Comments

Hullo, how much are you looking at for her? would you consider art/trades? I owned her ages ago and it would be a dream to have her back!

I'm mostly looking for money rn due to an emergency, I'd be willing to negotiate 

Whats the lowest you’d go?

Probably 30 or 25

I could take less

helloo, the art where she’s falling off of the bridge is mine! pls credit Sleepyatbest 

The ship art with the milkshake also has one of my characters in it


thank you!

Kairogroomi Syren_Paws K-NINE_CADAVER Drabittyx Unused_Accountt quituser Darkisasin Robot_DJ pygpyg N1CK

guys I accidentally deleted all the art in this characters Toyhouse when deleting the tabs, I thought it would dump everything into the main profile but it didn't. Do you guys have any art for this character saved up? The person who uploaded all of them has their account closed.

I’m very sorry unfortunately I don’t ;-;

No unfortunately. You would have to ask the actual owner or the person that had Erin last. I think you can check who added art in the character audit log

I'm the actual owner? And I said in the comment that the person who added all the art has their account closed

Ohh okay then nevermind. My apologies, I didn’t look at names HH



Sadly not I never keep art if reselling

I got all the art back