


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Braigiel ('Bray-/g/ee-ehl' - hard "g" sound, ex. got, glum)
Nickname(s): Brai (Kin), Snowcloud (Vai & Cody)
Meaning: "Wild and Fierce"

Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult - 1 Year, 8 Months (June 2020)
Birthdate: Oct. 13, 2018

Territory: None
Rank: None

Species: Wolf

Weight: 130 lbs
Height: 35.5"

Appearance: Pup: Brai is composed mostly of fur at this point, at least, according to her parents. She's a compact, bigger-than-average pup with a long, fluffy pelt. Big paws tell she'll grow quite large. She has intense, bright eyes and broad ears, and elongated upper canine teeth.
Adult: Those paws haven't lied - Braigiel has grown tremendously large, a mere half an inch shorter than her father. Her fur is thick as ever, particularly on her neck and belly. She's got extra fluff on her paws as well. Her tail is rather short, but extra thick.

Stance: Despite her bulk, Brai holds herself carefully. She actually appears to match her littermate in stance; elegant and poised, though with a etched roughness that Azazel doesn't have. She walks a little heavier than him, naturally because of her build, but is surprisingly light and composed.
Voice: She's got a low, almost thrumming voice. Youth: Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams

Dam: Vaiyalhi
Sire: Cody
Siblings: Azazel
Other: Loki (uncle), Seven (half-aunt)

Orientation: Homosexual
Preferences: Unknown
Virginity: Virgin

Current Crushes: Mila
Past Crushes: None

Mate: None
Offspring: None
Brai x Mila = Miguel

Type: Logician (INTP-T)
Personality: Quiet, imposing, guarded, intelligent, daydreamer, closed-off, protective, tireless, bitter.

Stiff. Tough. Braigiel seems carry a downcast air. Rather, she's likely not upset, but instead simply brooding. Thoughts come fast to the pale beastling, who values her mind above all other aspects. Though she is physically capable, of course, she listens to her thoughts before putting anything into action. However, this does not mean she would shirk from the latter if the situation required. Like both her parents, Brai's mental workings are excellent, and she proves to be a quick learner. Information is lapped up like water after a drought, and her memory tends to be quite good. She needs to know things. She wants to know things. Knowledge is not everything, but it is most definitely something, and a something worth her time.

Even among her kin, she wears something of a mask. Not all the time; and particularly on good days she becomes more emotional. Faced with strangers, however, Braigiel is a stark shell. She regards the unknown with a guarded fascination. Other wolves are usually considered enemies until this is proven otherwise. She will not attack right away, thanks to her strict mind, but she will be cold and to the point. Strangers have the possibility of bringing harm - and Braigiel cannot allow this to happen. Not specifically to her, but to her family. She is entirely devoted to her parents and brother: they are her world.

Brai's seclusive nature is atypical for a youth, but it is not severe enough to slacken her growth. She is quick to engage in situations and does not like to back down. Among the trusted, she is energetic and even cheery - though it is difficult to tell thanks to her lack of expression. She does enjoy company, despite being an introvert, and is also exceptionally agreeable to physical touch, which is part of how she interacts when voice is harder to come by.

Highly aware of her brother's aversion to physical contact, Braigiel naturally enjoys invading his bubble and bugging him quite often (in a subtle and nonverbal manner).
Brai highly prefers nighttime to daytime, despite the lack of stealth her pale fur brings, mostly because her thick fur holds heat too well during daylight.  
She rarely smiles or laughs, even when genuinely happy or content.
Though she's getting good at hunting, Braigiel tends to make very messy, bloody kills.
After some advice from Mila, she strives to be a little more thoughtful in hunting and will try to avoid killing baby animals.

Likes: Family, adventuring, achieving things, learning, winter, standing on mountain peaks.
Dislikes: Outsiders, being trapped, being thought as ignorant or dumb, summer, heat in general.
Fears: Death/loss of her kin.

Pre-Group History: 
once upon a time there was a vai and a cody and they were in love and then they had babies.

Group History: 
Winter 2018: 2 months: watches aurora with Zazu (IN PROGESS)
Winter 2019: 4 months: runs into Morrigan outside Vektren (IN PROGESS)
Spring 2019: 7 months: meets Mila on edge of Chandor (Sunshine in Puddles)
Summer 2019: 10 months: fights bear and saves Barbosa somewhere outside Heyl (Resurrection)
Fall 2019: 11 months: runs into Damon on edge of Vektren (IN PROGRESS)
Winter 2020: 1 year 3 months: runs into Mila just outside Chandor (Bear's Den)
Spring 2020: 1 year 7 months: runs into Mila just outside Chandor (Morality Lessons)

Bones Log: Link!
Playlist: Link!
Relationships: wip