Phariah Iwasaki



4 years, 2 months ago


Name Phariah Iwasaki
Gender female
Age 27
Birthday 4/17
Magic seeds
Height 5'5"
Orientation Bi? Pan? Angry?
Guild Fate's Edge

Meet my edgy naruto oc who's like a decade late and not even in the right anime but at least I'm self aware about it

Phariah is the last of her clan, the last of her order and on the last bit of her patience. She was trained from a young age to be a Drachmeeran ninja, and keeps her deadly skills honed to this day. With every step she takes in battle or out, ancient tenets of wisdom echo through her mind imparted from her elders. Knowledge passed down through generations to safeguard her life. Her magic manipulates seeds to spontaneously bloom and move with a will of their own. In her own words, “Flora deserve the ability to fight back, just like every oppressed human.” Combining these abilities has made her into a one of a kind, sneaking, trap setting, master assassin.

For most of her life, she pointed her blades towards the man who slaughtered her entire family in a political gambit when she was only 8 years old. Her sole purpose was vengeance, believing the honor she once cherished had died long ago in that fateful fire. But recently she was given a second chance by the wizard guild Fate’s Edge. Thanks to a new family, she’s found that her life is better spent empowering the weak then hunting one reformed(?) villain. With new teammates, a leader she believes in and… whatever Wolfgang is, she’s learning all sorts of new ways to improve her world.

Catch her in the front row at every Drachmeeran town hall with a mile long list of grievances.

  • Brave
  • Just
  • Survivor
  • Clever
  • Headstrong
  • Blunt
  • Vengeful
  • Emotionally constipated