
4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Madoa

Nicknames/Titles: The Tiger of the Wind

Race: Firbolg

Age: Unknown, she's going into her 4th century.

Height: 8'0"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Class: Barbarian

Path: Storm Herald

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Languages: Common, Elven, Giant, Firbolg, Beast, Leaf.

Key traits: Very tall, very wide, very strong. She has a thunderous voice and many scars. She's known as the Tiger of the Wind because of her stripes, but also for her unusual connection with the wind.

Personality: No-nonsense, oddly politically savvy and sensible for a barbarian, even if it doesn't seem so to many. She's a firm but loving mother, while her lessons are questionable. She has 10 daughters. 

- Browlga
- Ilinga
- Goonda
- Aranda
- Elora
- Koora
- Marra
- Odara
- Thowra
- Madora

Weapon: Ancient Glass Claymore

Story: Madoa is the leader of a clash of barbarians of different races, but mostly firbolg. She and the rest believe in the Queen of Storms, who has told Madoa in a vision hundreds of years ago, that he was going to bring about the end of the world with an Endless Storm. In preparation they fight and train every day, since only the strongest would survive. But Madoa knew that if it was just them, they would not be able to thrive. So as a way to grant them mercy, they kidnap the strongest warriors who wander into their territory, force them to fight in the sacred battle pit, to fight for a chance to survive the endless storm that looms closer every day.