Montoya Cuervo



4 years, 4 months ago


Montoya Cuervo


The Ashen

You ain't gonna go quick and you ain't gonna go good.
You've earned what's coming.

Montoya Cuervo
Full Name

Aasimar (Scourge)


Early 20s



Curse Defier


Ace of Swords


Heaven's Nest

Theme Song


Like many a country girl, she's a fan of whiskey and moonshine.
Horses. She only really sees them when the caravan is in town but she's a huge horse girl.
Montoya is a foodie (as much as she can be in a tiny town) and loves eating new food.
Mysteries and puzzles, Montoya loves working through logic puzzles and things of that sort.
Gossip. She's incredibly nosy and hides it poorly. Less fond of when its about her.
Bloodhunters. No she will not elaborate.


Undead. In general and as a concept. Even with the "friendlier" ones she's unquieted by their general existence.
Small Spaces. Being Underground. She gets claustrophobic.
Spiders. Up until recently they didn't bother her but now she'd like them all outside ty.
Avarice. Capitalism is a new concept to her and she's not a fan. The idea of fucking over others for profit makes her mad.
Montoya can't abide bullies.
She doesn't like wearing black much anymore.


Cooking! Montoya bakes and cooks to relax and is constantly tinkering with new recipes.
Working out/sparring. Even if she wasn't an adventuer she'd probably keep up a puishing routine.
Montoya likes to read before sleeping: usually myteries, sometimes gun manuals, more often than she'd care to admit: bodice rippers.
Horse riding. Now that she has an actual horse, she's excited to get better at cowboy activites.
Montoya often dabbles at tinkering with weaponry/her guns.
Hunting, usually with Tadgh. Technically its one of her duties vs a hobby but she enjoys the quiet contemplation/being off forbidence. She'd be big into hiking if nature wasn't cursed.


Espresso brown + gold
Skin tone

Hourglass + Athletic
Body type

3b curls, ombre

No pupils, gold on black

Special Feature





Montoya has golden freckles scattered over her skin. Their placement mimics constellations (though I often put them randomly).
Montoya has 3b curls that go down to her waist/lower back. She often has them braided (usually box braids). Her face is framed by looser curls! She somethings slicks these down into edges (or does both).
Montoya has full two toned lips + a softer wider nose! Also a squarer jaw + very chisled cheekbones.
Montoya has 5 crystals on her head, with the middle the longest. They're mean to mimic a tiara. She also grows them on her shoulders.
Montoya's wings are made of light! They're always heavily styilized. The eyes can move and the "shards" can float/connect in a stained glass effect.
Montoya's ears a winglike and have a divot/joint in the middle. They can't move fully like wings (yet) but move more than ears can.
Montoya's wings + halo are not always visible, but her tears and blood become liquid gold when they are.
She has well defined arms + large hips and bust. Her thighs are thick and muscular too. Please make sure not to draw her too thin.

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> Inherent Divinity: Montoya is inherently divine – divinity runs through her bone marrow and blood. This makes her dangerous to the undead that stalk her home. She is resistant to Chemosh’s curse on the land and all his monsters that run rampant on it.

> Radiant Consumption: When overtaken by righteous anger or love, Montoya overflows with divinity. Her blood and tears become molten gold and light burns from within her – overflowing and scorching her enemies.

> Superhuman Tenacity: Montoya can push herself to the limit of mortal strength: pushing through injuries that would fell others and attacking with a ferocity others can only imagine of. While mortal, Montoya can also bounce back from injuries quicker than normal.

> Trickshots: Through practice and innovation, Montoya has a number of “special” bullets/trickshots she can make with varied effects (aside from the traditional damage) in combat. She’s also got incredible aim.

> Healing Hands: Once a day, Montoya can channel her divinity to heal herself and others. The sensation is akin to sitting at a warm fire, with steam flowing form the wound as it closes.

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Montoya has two mothers- a paladin and cleric of The Raven Queen. Both her mothers (Seraph and Lenore respectively) are fairly famous, though Seraph is the most storied of the family. Montoya was meant to follow in their footsteps as a paladin of Lady Death as well but after Seraph fell from grace, she broke ties with her goddess. She's now, barely, a champion of Sargonnas- the god of the wretched and wronged, revenge and rebirth.

Montoya speaks Celestial and Elven alongside Common. Unfortunately for her, due to her mother's extreme lifespan, Montoya learned a incredibly archaic and eldrich form of Elven. Ontop of sound old fashioned, she sound prophetic- in a way that frequently frightens any elves/speakers around her. She's refused to change the accent on principle.

Thanks to years of dual-wielding, Montoya is ambidextrous! While she normally writes with her right hand, she can pretty comfortably use both for whatever task she's on.

Montoya is one of the only mortals alive to have met a god in the flesh. Sargonnas, the god of rebirth and revenge, made a deal with a Fate to cross over into the moral realm to create her own artifact: Reckoning, a weapon of revenge. He also bound a baby phoenix to her, Inigo, who she has been raising and caring for since. She loves him dearly.

Montoya has small, soft feathers at the nape of her neck. They're been dyed black as a result of Montoya recieveing a Mark of the Shadow curse (willingly). The curse allows her to summon her shadow as a shield.

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The gist of it: Montoyas an aasimar, a child of an angel, with a mission: to restore their mother's Divinity- and kill the man that had it stripped away in the first place. To that end, she's enlisted the help of her friends and the God of Rebirth and Revenge, Sargonnas, as they all try to survive the undead apocalypse of Immortuos.


Born to two storied warriors of The Raven Queen, Seraph and Lenore, it surprised absolutely no one when a young Montoya declared she too would grow up to fight for Lady Death. Religious devotion aside, the world was sorely in need of more paladins. 400 years ago, it had been ripped asunder by an all-out civil war between the new gods; ascended megalomaniacal once-mortals, and the old. Following the old god’s victory, as if the collapse of civilization hadn't been enough, the survivors soon were met by a new terrifying reality; the end of the world had come twice. Of the gods remaining, it was Chemosh, the god of undeath, who emerged the most powerful- and he was intent on remaking the world in his image. ‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎

‏‏‎ ‎‏ A child of the undead apocalypse, Montoya looked at the broken world she inherited and vowed to fix it as best she could. Losing Lenore at 5, Montoya devoted her childhood to becoming strong enough to protect others and relished in any opportunity to permanently kill undead. Kind, loving, and well-meaning if rowdy, Montoya finally achieved her lifelong dream at 20. Despite Seraph’s objections, she'd successfully completed her training to become a cursedefier, an adventurer who left the safety zones to acquire supplies and defeat Chemosh's minions. With her acceptance as a paladin practically assured, Montoya was ready to spend the rest of her life safeguarding the living and serving her queen. Until one day the unthinkable happened- Montoya's mother Seraph, an angel in disguise, fell from grace, expelled by none other than The Raven Queen herself. And to make matters worse? The man who had caused this, who had ruined her mother’s life- she knew him. Had treated them as a son once, offered them noting but love have it thrown back in their face. And he’d gotten away , free to kill and hurt others without consequence. ‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎

‎‏ Her world shattered, life in ashes, and her mother something unrecognizable, Montoya turned on her goddess, breaking off any relation to her as the spark that made the old Montoya withered and died. Fortunately, the heavens heard her cries, and Sargonnas called out to her. The god of revenge and rebirth, Sargonnas saw Montoya not as someone broken but wronged. He made her a vow, that from the ashes of her old life something new would grow, and gave her a gun, an artifact through which he could lend her his divine power. Go forth, he said, and kill the man who did this to you. Go forth, he promised, and you can find a way to bring your mother back. Gun in hand and fire in her heart, the new Montoya rose with a singular purpose: to put the man who'd done this in the ground and save her mother.


Seraph Delareina

A famous champion of The Raven Queen, Goddess of Death, Seraph has left behind an incredibly legacy. From defeating liches, founding city-states, and saving countless. Though if you asked them what they were most proud of, they’d probably mention raising Montoya. They’re sappy like that. One of Montoya’s mothers, Seraph raised her largely on their own after their wife died when Montoya was 5. The two are incredibly close, though recent events have strained their relationship – namely the whole gaslighting Montoya about her species for her entire life. In their defense, its dangerous being an aasimar.
In spite of everything, Seraph is who Montoya loves the most and restoring them to their former Divinity is the spire is Montoya’s major reason for living.


Baosheng Shenyu
party member

The two started out with a rock relationship as Shenyu thought Montoya was a bad influence on his daughter. Nowadays its coalesced into...something. They work together regularly and routinely have to trust each other with their lives and secrets and the two often go off to investigate mysteries together. That being said, Shenyu is obviously hiding something and it - along with some of the shady shit he says- make Montoya mighty suspicious.


close friend

Montoya had a huge crush on the drow when he first came into town, ontop of being incredibly handsome he was everything she wanted to be- or thought anyways. Now that she's gotten to know him the crush has faded but has been replaced with a genuine fondness. He may be an antisocial grump but he's her antisocial grump.



Lenore was a human cleric and champion of the Raven Queen. She was also Montoya’s mother and the wife of Seraph Delareina. Lenore died when Montoya was 5, sacrificing herself to save a group of escaping civilians. While Montoya never got to know her mother very well, the woman’s influence can be felt through her life still: from Montoya’s nose, her accent, or the stories Seraph tells her. It was partly out of a desire to honor her memory that Montoya pursed the path of a paladin in the first place.


party member

Montoya find Koshi deeply hilarious and gets along well with her, often enabling her wild suspicions on the group’s love lives. For the most part, Montoya is happy to trust Koshi and greatly appreciates her healing magic and knowledge of nature but her apparent easiness with undead and the glimpses of her past make Montoya anxious. Unlike with Shenyu though, she doesn’t really want to unpack all that and mostly overlooks anything she thinks won’t become a problem later on.


new friend

Ruadhan and Montoya had an incredibly rocky first meeting - she shot them twice. However as far as relationships go between vampires and vampire hunters, they're pretty friendly now. Monotya was incredibly uneasy with them at first but has made the choice to put that aside in an attempt to help them- after all they're a friend of Del's. Montoya's still unsure what exactly their own relationship with them is but "friend" works.


Del Underhill
psuedo older sister

Del started babysitting Montoya at 5, and Montoyas latched onto her ever since. Though its been years since she was old enough to stay home alone, Montoya still loves Del as the older sister she never had. She sees the best in Del and wants to push her into being a more open person, but usually this means sticking her nose into Del's business uninvited. The are very close and aside from Seraph and Inigo, there's not really anyone else Montoya loves as much.


companion, surrogate son

A baby phoenix, how Inigo’s egg appeared on the Material Plane in the first place is a mystery. Luckily for him, he landed on the outskirts of Heaven’s Nest and was found by Montoya. Thanks to an intervention from Sargonnas, Inigo now serves as the conduit to Montoya’s artifact and is bonded to her soul. Simultaneously ancient and new, the bird is now happily experiencing the wonders of the mortal world from Montoya’s shoulder. For her part, Montoya loves him and he provides her with much needed love and support. .


Crush (unfortunately)

The leader of the local caravan, Basanio is a peacock of a man. Known for breaking hearts and killing undead, Basanio inspires a wealth of mixed emotions in Montoya. On the one hand, he's kind of a clown - and his propensity for binge drinking and constant flirtations annoy her. On the other, he's incredibly competent when need be and looks real good when fighting. She finds him charming against her will.