Angel Aura Quartz



7 years, 6 months ago


IRL: If you don't know, Angel Aura Quartz is a real quartz that has been bonded to precious metals.

Story: When Angel Aura was still incubating she was an experiment. They had her in a section of the Earth Kindergarten that had Platinum deposits. By growing near this it bonded to her. It imbued her with increased durability and a tougher to damage gem. She was supposed to fight for Pink Diamond in the Crystal Gem Rebellion, and fought hard for that alliance. After a huge fight and a creative ambush, she was poofed and bubbled.
**If unbubbled by Steven as per the show she would have a hatred towards what Rose Quartz did, and probably a distaste for Pearl&Garnet, but harbor no hate towards Steven because he really is someone new. Would probably become friends with Amethyst and try to train her to be the best Quartz she could be. *She enjoys music, frilly items, and cooking food(Even if she doesn't need to eat).

She fights with Her arms, her weapon being gem manifestations on her forearm up to her elbow (Gem arm-guards). She has a defensive skill where she shields herself with summoned walls of Quartz. She can also control the density/viscosity/flex of her gem walls, thus using her defense as an offense by turning her hard walls into bouncy springboards to launch herself into combat.

(I am completely open to hypothetical fusion art for anyone's gemsona and Angel Aura so long as you can give a hypothetical reason/story for why.)


~Her armguards are made of gem, not metal

~Her hairbow/flower has translucent ribbons hanging from it


Fusions known:

X Seraphinite = (Blue Green) Ammolite 

X Sapphire  = Blue Rainbow Moonstone 

X Amethyst (friend's) = Indigo Aura Quartz

X Fire Agate = Peitersite

X Labradorite = Pinfire Opal

X Sapphire X Seraphinite = Azure Malachite

X Sapphire. X Fire Agate = Black Opal

X Seraphinite X Fire Agate = Fire Obsidian

X Seraphenite X Labradorite = Boulder Opal?

X Seraphenite X Sapphire = Azure Malachite 

X Seraphinite X Sapphire X Fire Agate = Rainbow Elbaite (Elbaite Tourmaline)

X Sapphire X Fire Agate X Amethyst =(Rainbow) Fluorite

X Seraphenite X Sapphire X Fire Agate X Labradorite = Rainbow Scapolite

X Seraphenite X Sapphire X Fire Agate X Amethyst X Labradorite = Galaxite