Samahl Lavellan ⛔



4 years, 3 months ago



  • FULL NAME Samahl Lavellan
  • AGE 26
  • GENDER Genderqueer
  • RACE Dalish Elf
  • ORIENTATION Pansexual
  • STATUS It's complicated

Shown with both canon and in-game (non canon) vallaslin.

Samahl Lavellan (they go by Sam) is a very down-to-earth mage, but their magic skills focus mostly on sensing/dispelling energy/magic and shapeshifting, so Fenris calls them a “fox mage”. They have a rogue-like fighting style, mostly with daggers and hand-to-hand stuff. They do not let their magic take the spotlight.

Samahl means “laughter” in Elvhen, and Sam is aptly named. They are easy-going and find humour in most things. They are kind and very considerate of other’s feelings. They are known to have a temper, but hide it by disappearing for a while.

Before the events of the Inquisition, they hung out with Hawke a bit in Kirkwall, dallying with Fenris for a spell. He mades frequent visits to Skyhold. Sam also romanced Solas.

So, when Sam awoke to the mark on their hand, they realized that they were totally cut off from their magic. No shapeshifting, no extended senses, no nothing. For this reason, they kept their magic 100% secret from everyone, including Solas.

Fenris and Varric were both instructed to keep it a secret, as well. So was Hawke. And so, after Solas and Sam start spending a /lot/ of time together, that’s when they go to close the breach.

Between the night of closing the breach and the night of Corypheus’ attack, Solas comes to Sam while they around skulking around Haven’s outskirts (like where the little forest and the dock and stuff are) to confront them, because he figured out their magic (you can…make up a reason. or I can figure one out)