


7 years, 7 months ago


[Pinata with an attitude of gfy]

Remi has learned to keep his distance, demand privacy, and overall keep to himself. He used to have a happy cheery personality, but with years of being seen as nothing more but a profit or commodity has changed him to be more guarded and he comes off as an over all jerk when you first meet him. You can still get him to show his softer sides when befriending him, but there arnt many people he trusts that much.

Its not very often you see someone of Remi's kind when here lives. Something thats been a blessing and a curse all his life.
His rarity makes him a semi-celebrity, often making money by appearing in movies or commercials just for the sake of having a pinata creature there. Its the only way he can really make money since his body doesnt handle well in most weather conditions. But living where a lot of people havent seen your kind isnt too good for trying to walk around un noticed. Kids will often run up to him and try to "Break it open! Get the candy!" Or they rip off his ruffles for their own keepsakes. Human adults see him as a monster who should be dissected. Kids just see a candy container.
He stays away from people most of the time.

Biology: He has to stay in a controlled climate or risk live-decomposition. Rain will soften his ruffles and make them tear easily, being too cold will freeze him solid, and being in the sun too long can literally melt his insides (their not actual candy tho, just a similar jelly texture and consistency).