[Kolth] Muse



Basic Info


ID: #181




Music is Everything to Me

【 Name 】 Muse 【 Alias 】 Muse
【 Age 】 2,056 【 D.o.B. 】 ???
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Sexuality 】 Pansexual
【 Origin 】 Orita? 【 Scent 】 Lilacs
【 Status 】 Single 【 Theme 】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oaeHCVQKWU
Human Form
【 Height 】 5'5 【 Build 】 Slightly Muscular, more lithe
【 Eyes 】 Dark Borwn/Purple 【 Skin tone 】 Pale/Little pink
【 Hair color 】 Same as ear color 【 Hair style】 Messy with curles
【 Demeanor 】 Calm and Relaxing 【 Style 】 Expensive but frugal
【 Value 】 $100+ 【 Designer 】 @c0zr10n
【 Likes 】
  • Dj-ing
  • Music
  • tea on quite nights
  • a warm blanket and a book
  • Eating out
【 Dislikes 】
  • Being late
  • 'Art Block'
  • Loud/Obnoxius People
  • Rudeness
  • Lose change
【 Charisma 】
【 Empathy 】
【 Patience 】
【 Stamina 】
【 Courage 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Perception 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Humor 】

* A small time musician, works with alternative and electronic genres. Spends all of his free time mixing music, or listening to it ;v; He likes being alone iin the dark a lot. * Lives alone, tho has a few apartment mates, he doesnt see them often. * Tries to be as polite as possible when dealing with people. Doesnt like to touch strangers tho (hugs mainly). * Regrets not finishing his schooling, tho he does try to study new materials when he can. * Is annoyed by misinformation, especially when hes on the wrong end of it.


1561447?1512315717 Sacrament

[ Friend ]

A good friend Muse has had for awhile. They met during school and havent stopped talking since. Theyre often seen hanging out together, even tho Sacrement has a hard time being in public. Theyd do anything fro eachother.

1078735?1497832372 Audio

[ Buisness friend ]

Audio owns a radio station that plays most genras of music. Audio is a huge fan of Muse and will play his music frequently, helping Muse make a name for himeself. In return Muse has come to see Audio as a good friend and a true fan.

1586042_XOFTh-x-4PMDU4cGOBsMtnkOaaUWxnYk Tea

[ Love of his life ]

Most people need coffee in the morning, Muse just needs a warm cup of fresh tea and his morning is off to a good start.

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