



★ Mini ★

adjective ☆ adjective ☆ adjective

"Be STRONG when you are weak, BRAVE when you are scared, and HUMBLE when you are victorious."


Name || Emily Wattson
Alias || Mini, Shadow Princess, Twinkle
Gender || Female
Age || 19 /Feb 19
★  Height/Weight || 5'3/155 lbs
Species || Human
Orientation || Hetero
Occupation || N/A
Status || Taken
Theme/Voice Claim || N/A

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☆ About

♥ Positive

  • Kind hearted
  • Caring
  • Determined
  • Willing to fight her fears if it comes to her friends

X Negative

  • Easily Scared
  • Anxious
  • Shy
  • Not to trust anyone so easily

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☆ Personality

She is generally quiet when around others she doesn't know. Mostly easily frightened if you come to her forcefully. Regardless, she is very sweet and kind once one meets her. Due to her being a psychic medium, Mini tends to be caring for the spirits around her. Her determined heart keeps her going even through many years of pain and suffering. The main people she can trust though is her friend and her crush.


Her teddy bear
★Nice spirits
★Making crafts
★Night sky


☆ Evil spirits
☆ Sour/Bitter foods
☆ Small spaces
☆ The heat
☆ Her parents
☆ The dark

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☆ Story Summary

Emily, mostly going by the name Mini, is a 18 year old human student who's life is less than normal. Mini is known for being the town's psychic medium. Unfortunately, she is not pleased with this title or abilities. Demons are always following or trying to harm her due to being able to interact with good spirits. She also managed to control shadows that have drawn close to her. Because of this issue, her parents gave her up for adoption, making her an orphan for most of her life. Mini has gotten through hard times on her own and is able to protect herself with her teddy by her side. She is hopping one day her abilities will subside and she will be able to live a normal life.

Important Moments

  • Recieving her teddy bear from an old women to prevent demons from attacking her.
  • Meeting Bennie at school and her becoming her first best friend. 
  • Tends to travel around now with her friend. She has now encountered many beings/ people in her time of travel as well.

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Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat. Nulla vel dictum est, in feugiat augue. Fusce ullamcorper elit mauris. Ut eleifend velit dignissim eros finibus cursus sed in augue. Quisque arcu lacus, cursus nec erat nec, blandit laoreet lorem. Sed luctus facilisis vehicula.

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☆ Trivia


She usually has a shy expression but she does have a sweet smile. She sometimes acts very bashful and will always express it in some way.

She is a psychic medium and also has shadow abilities. Mini isn't very good at controlling her abilities and sometimes have a spirit control it for her.

Her teddy bear is named, Mr. B and she carries him around everywhere, even for her age. Mr. B is used as a protective shield against evil spirits.

Mini has a mild crush on Isaiah, who is a werewolf prince. She's never had this feeling before so the way she expresses herself around him is very odd.

Her parents are still alive and she has run into them before. Unfortunately, they do not know who she is because they've never raised her. However, she knows who they are and has a heavy hatred for them.

Go by the colors on this ref in the gallery please! Thank you! 


Original design was made by doshoi on DA

She is not UFT so please don't even ask.


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☆ Relationships


★ Isaiah

[ Friend/Crush ]
Someone she trust enough to protect her well being. Mini keeps him close as a friend but would like to be able to express her feelings to him one day.

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This template was created by Wicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission