Lady Attara



4 years, 3 months ago


A rare Batamon Knight of the Stars, she has sworn herself to the Knight King Arthur and serves under him, as well his high knights. In current days, without a Knight General, she answers to Sir Meta Knight, but for the most part functions independently. She's mastered the Water ability, which she has combined with her gift of flight! It appears that she's capable of other mystical, and strange magic, though it's merely rumored. Currently she's stationed herself as a guardian of Town Town, and regularly patrols the territory in search of trouble or oncoming danger. She acts as a mentor to the young star Twyla, after a frustrated and exhausted Meta Knight assigns her to the fledging knight.

She's sweet, caring, humble-- but like water, she can be torrential and destructive. Attara is claimed to be among the greatest Water ability masters in the galaxy, and has the skills as well power to back it up. She's also part of a quartet of misfit Puffs, known as the Party Crashers. This group consists of: Sokka Solarstaar, Throhya Solarstaar, Boomi Solarstaar, and herself. Occasionally her friend Zukoh joins in, but oftentimes tends to be collateral damage or drowned out by her water ability.

Together, they form the greatest, and most dangerous sentence: Sokka Throhya Boomirang Att [insert name here, which is typically Zukoh].