


4 years, 3 months ago


Full name: Envy

Meaning for name: A negative feeling about something of someone else's

Do they like their name: No!

Nickname: En, Vi, Envious, Jealous, Jealousy

Tribe: RainWing

Age/grade: 9 (dragon years)

How old they appear: 10 (dragon years)

Eye colour: Red

Glasses?: No

Weight/build: Curvy

Height: Average

Main scale colour: Teal

Spine/spike colour and shape: Red and purple

Taste in jewellery: Everything! They are a jeweller after all

Healthy? Why or why not: Yes, they have to walk to work and they've never really had anything traumatic happen to them

Music: Jazz

Daredevil or cautious: Cautious

Are they the same alone: Yes

Good habits: Fine motor skills, eye for detail

Bad habits: Not that smart

Hobbies: Jewellery

Family situation: Alright

Friend situation: Alright

Worst fear: The business closing

Favourite thing: Their necklace

Role model: Themself (#lifegoals)

What would break them: The business closing

Best/worst thing in their life:

-Worst: What jewellery reminds them of

-Best: Dropping out of school to start their business

What they are reluctant to tell people: How much that piece of jewellery you just ordered actually costs

Opinion on sex/relationships: Demi-Pansexual

Major flaws: Gullible, dumb

How do they feel about themselves: Insecure

Selfish or selfless: Selfless