Alondra's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

STARSHAPE Global Rules


  • do not exchange a design that you got for free for anything else (e.g. money, another character, art) unless you draw or commission art for that design. you can still give these designs away for free!!
  • do not delete my designs off of toyhouse (privatising is fine!! an access key would be much appreciated, though it isn’t needed.)
    • if you are thinking of deleting a character I designed, please please please just send them back to me instead!!! I will try to redesign them if you send them to me with the note that you were gonna delete otherwise. this applies to dollmakers too, as when I see “deleted character” in transfer history I have no clue if it was just a dollmaker or a design I worked very hard on.
  • please ask / DM me about commercial use!! my exception to this rule is dollmaker designs that I haven’t personally redesigned, do anything with them lmfao