
Name: Frost the Cat

Species: Snow Leopard

Fur Color: Light Blue with black and grey markings

Eye Color: Blue

Age: 15

Height: 3 feet 5 inches

Powers: Cryokinesis. The ability to control and manipulate ice.

Bio: Frost is a Prince from the Great Northern Kingdom on the planet Sol. He was born and raised there in the castle until the age of 5, when his uncle killed Frost's mother and greatly wounded his father in an attempt at taking the throne. In a last attempt to save his children, Frost's father teleported him, Frost, and his toddler daughter to another dimension via a magic flute. This other dimension happened to be Sonic's dimension. In his final moments, Frost's father took his two children to an old friend's house before finally collapsing and dying. This devastated the young cat, having everything taken from him aside from his sister.

His new family did their best to raise him with a normal life. His young sister thrived, but due to his past, he has a rather cold expression most of the time and stayed closed off from others. He was being raised in such a different place than what he was used to, but he did his best in his studies and promised himself that one day, when he was older, he would take back the throne.

Bonus: Frost has a soft spot for his younger sister. He has a hard time saying no to her.

BONUS Bonus: Frost was originally engaged to a certain purple cat when they were small children. This was to ensure peace between their countries and to ensure the blessing of the Goddess of Sol. Frost has been seen as dead on his original planet for many years, but Blaze, as well as a few chosen others, know the truth about what happened.