Ethan Hase



4 years, 3 months ago



  •  Name   Ethan Hase Dias
  •  Age   22 
  •  Gender   Male 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 
  •  Intuitive     Observant 
  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"Bro, I'm literally vibin, chill" - while exploding a vending machine.


Driven by impulse almost all time, persuit anything that brings him joy or adrenaline. Easily gets along with people, have a good speech to bring his crazy ideas and lead the crowd in several parties. He tries to show only the bright side for the others, but when he feels anxious, angry or tense, he seek adrenaline on alley fights or practice parkour. When memories and trauma haunts, he hides for no one see that side.


Portion of chaos and craziness in 1,69m; Quite big collection of scars through his brown skin, all of them with a story to tell; A pair of emerald eyes, always seeking for problems; Messy and short dark brown hair; Strong physique from fighting and running; Likes street style looks, loose trousers, neon sneakers, grafitti stamps, etc.

  •  Ethnicity   Brazilian 
  •  Residence   College Republic 
  •  Job   Food Thief 
  •  Sexuality   Panssexual 
  • ● His left eye is partially blind.
  • ● Suffers with claustrophobia and erythrophobia.
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  • Food
  • Sweets
  • Fights
  • Party
  • Rap/Lo-fi music
  • Hugs (but won't admit it)
  • Father
  • Authority
  • Small spaces
  • Being alone
  • Make fun about his height
  • Hurt important people


At the beginning, Ethan was a lovely and cheery kid, very close with his grumpy twin Fred and his mother, until her death. He testified her murder by his father, a recognised CEO, that pulled the trigger to stop Carla from destroying his reputation. After that scene, Ethan decided to do everything to get evidence and arrest his father, becoming more resentful and indignant every time he was beaten to be quiet. Fred always tried to help, worried about his brother, also got a scar from the father. At 15, an accident happened when they were in a church, Fred passed away trying to save his brother. After that, Ethan gave up chasing the killer, gave up looking for his own goals, gave up everything. The rest of school days, he was just fighting and getting into trouble, without caring anymore.

Few years later, Ethan was forced to study law or would suffer consequences for bad behavior, he only accepted when had the idea to bring chaos to college, but he just didn't expect to have new friendships.


Cristina is his roommate, the complete opposite of him in personality. Both gets along with interests in games and animes that she showed him. Ethan always respect her limits and be extra cautious with his own actions when she's around. Spend time together may have developed a crush for her.

Morgrim is his best bro ever, most of the mess they're together with a unique sinergy. They met each other in a fight, when neither could stand anymore he asked Ethan to be his friend. He was the first person to see Ethan open up a bit about his past, now they have a big trustful friendship.

Leandro is a close friend with secrets up his sleeve, very chill in front Ethan's behavior. They've met in a college party, he seemed insecure in the crowd, what caught Ethan's attention. Since that night, Ethan helps him to be more confident in public and Lean is learning to follow his intuitions.

profile html by Hukiolukio