


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Quinn


Age: 18

Gender: Cis female

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Issues: Absolutely obsessed with becoming an erotic novelist, and she'll stop at nothing to achieve that. 

Personality: Assertive, blunt, passionate, one-track-mind, semi-sarcastic

Appearance: People think Quinn's fashion sense is kinda al over the place, but actually it's pretty simple; she only wears clothes that she thinks are either extremely comfortable or stand out to her(she's a big fan of flashy and/or pop-art designs). She almost always wears her hair down, occasionally wearing it up in a simple ponytail or bun when it's hot. She also has two versions of her glasses, both the same frame and prescription but one has tinted lenses so it functions as sunglasses.
Background: TBA

Lives in: A town*-*

Family: Father, Mother, Younger brother

Special Ability: Can find dirty innuendo's in anything and everything.

Fears and Phobias: 


Habits: Quinn's routine is basically; wake-up, go to school, come back home, then go to sleep at midnight. Throughout every waking moment -that she isn't forced to do something else- she's writing, or researching, or drawing, or anything else to work on her novels. They're her passion, her pride, and her world. She most likes working at home in her own room (with dimmed lights), but sometimes she's forced out by her brother (on days he doesn't have football practice he holes himself up in their at home gym, which just happens to be next to Quinn's room. She can not STAND the noise he produces). So occasionally she'll venture out with her laptop to the local (crossdressing) café, where's she's considered a regular now.


Emily || Quinn and Emily don't vibe well. Quinn basically only ever talks about adult subjects, and with her viewing Emily as immature, Quinn gets kinda uncomfortable trying to hold conversations with her.

Jesse || Jesse is one of the only people that shows genuine interest in Quinn's writing. Even though Quinn loves nothing more than to shock people with the crazy/nasty she finds on the internet, sometimes it's also kinda nice to have someone  to discuss your passions with without them constantly being disgusted or uncomfortable. Quinn knows that Jesse's questions stem more from a sense of morbid curiosity than anything else, but that's okay, she's grateful for the opportunity.

Rini || Quinn finds Rini kinda interesting, but Rini has kindly expressed to not be open to helping Quinn with her stuff. Quinn has expressed back that she's right here if Rini changes her mind.

Johnny || Johnny reminds Quinn of her younger brother a lot, yet at the same time they are nothing alike. Although to any outsider it might look like Quinn only ever teases Johnny( for being such a damn normy), and the rest of the time is just entirely indifferent, she might just be the person trying the hardest helping him find something to excel (or suck) in. It just isn't as noticeable as the others who constantly approach him with their stupid ideas.

Oliver || Quinn can honestly say she respects Oliver. She has never really minded negativity, and they have a lot in common when it comes to lifestyle. She also really appreciates it whenever he is willing to help her out with her research, and posing(NO ONE ever wants to help her).




Fun (or not so fun) facts!:

She's the only member of the group that has a partner (the others don't yet know about it though)