Viveanna Vi Elis



4 years, 3 months ago


Viveanna Garnier

  •  Name ( Fallout Oc ) Viveanna Vi Elis 
  •  Age   36 
  •  Height   4'8 ft 
  •  Occupation   Foxtrot Squadron Mechanic 
  •  Sexuality   Straight
  •  Personality 
    She is actually quite shy and hard to talk to since her injuries have made her even more self conscious than she already was. She has the tendency to not make direct eye contact with people when she talks to them and is very hard to get out of her shell. She keeps to herself, yet gets a lot of work done whenever she is given a project she is passionate about. She rarely gets into fights and most of the time backs down before any other issue occurs when in conflict. However whenever she sees injustice or something horrible done to innocents she will not hesitate to step in.
  •  Appearance  Voice Claim ( )
  • A short and somewhat plump mechanic that is known more to have her head in a box full of gears than anything else. Her long brown hair flows down her neck and back, with bangs that frame just above her eyes. She is best known for the scarf she wears around her neck and mouth to cover the horrible scars she gotten from her torturous time spent in the clutches of a raider gang. It is also very common to find her with oil smudges or various sorts of dirty rags on her hip or persons from projects she just finished. She has a somewhat tan skin tone with light blue eyes.
  •  Likes   Tinkering - Jack - Her Kids - Music Boxes - New Projects 
  •  Dislikes  Conflicts - Raiders - Failure  - Exposing her face 
  •  Backstory 

    Born to poor farmer parents, her father worked to grow various mutated plants on a small patch of land in the west. Her parents were very kind and made her as happy as they could with their already bare minimum life style. Her father was Henry Elis and her mother Judith Elis.

    They had a very simple yet happy life style until a band of raiders took over the territory around their home. At this point Vi was only 13, and she had a small sister about 8.  The raiders took more than they needed, claiming 'This was the price of the Protection' they never really needed.

    Eventually it got to the point where they bled their farm dry. No caps, no food and nothing to give. This time the raiders decided to take what they wanted and more. They took their eldest daughter. Vi, whom was only 15 by this point, beat down her father and was prepared to kill their fighting mother when Vi gave herself over willingly. Saying that her freedom was not worth her whole family's lives. With her family screaming and fighting she was pulled away from her only home.

    This was the last time she would see her family for the rest of her life.

    For years she was kept as a pet for one of the lower ranked raiders. They were very nomadic and moved from small territory to small territory. They were a rather small and Ruthless group of raiders called the Blue skulls. During her enslavement, days were spent distracting herself with odd machines and trinkets she made herself from spare parts the raiders threw away. She became very good with her hands and was self taught about mechanics. She eventually earned a 'spot' of sorts. Taking her main 'use' away from pleasure to fixing her 'master's' bikes and guns.

    She lived this way for a good portion of her life when eventually her 'Master' known only as Vaan decided to get himself a new 'plaything'. Disgusted, Vi found this new girl was only 13. And it was soon clear that she couldn't just sit and watch the young girl deal with Vaan's abuse.

    Vi saw her younger sister in this girl and eventually planned to help her escape. And even though it had actually worked! Vi paid a heavy price, she was captured after she created a distraction for the girl to escape.

    Vaan was furious. He had paid a pretty penny for the cute little girl. And in his anger he decided to take Vi's 'pretty face' too. If he can't wake up with a pretty girl than 'She can't neither'.

    He maliciously tore into Vi's face with a piece of glass. Smearing her wounds with dirt and throwing her to the ground. Unfortunately her wounds eventually became  infected and not wanting to deal with a 'dying' bitch. He decided to sell her to a women he met at a bar.

    Thinking the worst, Vi was brought half dead to a strong yet pretty tan women. During the trade off, the women held onto Vi, making sure was okay. Before she shot the man in the dick. Astonished, Vi found out this women was a Wolf captain named June Fawkes. And that she had bought Vi to save her after she heard the man drunkeningly complain about a dying slave and what 'a waste of money' it was..

    After she shot him, she threw the caps owed into the mans bleeding crotch and spat. "Keep the fucking Change, Scum."

    Fawkes, brought Vi to the best Medics she could find. And they partially reconstructed her face but what was left was severely deep scars. Self conscious and scarred by the traumatic event she eventually became Fawkes pilot and mechanic in her team. Wanting to repay the life debt she owed the captain.

    Now she is one of Fawkes closest friends and actually is the only other person that really knows fully about the captains past besides Mongrel.
  • Jack Garnier  Husband
  •  The sweet and kind medic that helped give her, her voice back. She has loved him since the first day they met, and unfortunately when he was lost to the horrible Dr. Hollis, she believed he was dead. After his return and recop from the horrible enslavement of the Doctor, she has since rediscovered the feelings of love and are now happily married with 4 kids.
  •  June Fawkes  Captain - Best Friend 
  • Since she saved her from the horrible life of being a Raider bosses 'pet'. Vi and Fawkes have grown to have a amazing bond like no other. They share everything with each other and Fawkes is really one of the few people she feels the most comfortable around besides Jack and her kids. 
  • Knight and Ruby  Step Daughters 
  • Jack's two daughters that she has grown to love and cherish as her own. She never really believed she would have kids considering how she looks now, and even more so because they believed her husband to be sterile. But even so, she treats them like she had been there since they were children and they both love her dearly. 
  • Jayden  Daughter 
  • Her and Jacks first child that she carried herself. She never treated her children any different but it was quite a surprise when the two found out she was pregnant with their third child Jayden. She absolutely loves her daughter and can't believe their daughter already takes after her father meaning to or not... its endearing nonetheless.  
  •  Trivia 
    • ● She still wears her bandana in public but eventually learns to take it off when she is around her squad or family with the help and encouragement from her husband.
    • ● More than half the time she known to be covered in oil or with a box full of gears or parts.
    • ● She knows Sign Language from her time spent healing her voice box.
    • ● She has helped build most of the prosthetics and parts for both sentinel and not for the Wolves of Sovereignty and it's soldiers. 
    • ● She spends most of her days in her work shop and has even built ticking toys and music boxes to give to the soldiers and settlers living in the wasteland.
    • ● She has a habit of pulling her bandana up whenever she is nervous or anxious which Jack finds cute. 

profile html by Hukiolukio