
Why are they calling me a 'soft fuzzy man'.  


Cryptic . Frenetic . nonchalant

This Fennec Fox man is an undead goth fiend. Thats the first thing you need to know.

The second thing you need to know is hes surprisingly good at holding himself together. Even in the most dire and dangerous of situations.


  • Ghosts
  • Music
  • Gummy Worms
  • Going to the cemetery
  • His friends/loved ones
  • Girls :Flushed:


  • opening up to most people
  • Prissy/Stuck up people.
  • having his tail stepped on
  • School, College
  • Bigots n Fascists


Simple stuff first. Casper's a He/him Male. Hes bisexual. Hes a fennec fox. His age can vary but at a baseline hes 19 (and up). Hes got a pastel goth aesthetic, but can dabble in Punk and Scene/emo aesthetics too. Hes able to see, hear, and talk to ghosts. This wasnt always a thing he could do, but he can. He worked as a veterinary Technician at some point, studied science/biology/medicine in college, and has skills from that. (Vet Tech would just be a nurse in the furry world.)

He's got many friends. He's kind of a flirt, especially in his early adult years. He has various connections/"Flings" with girls he meets in his young years. Physical intimacy and friendship. Hes not a player or a predator. He's actually very kind and respectful with the girls he meets in his life. The connections dont usually go anywhere because he struggles to open up abt certain things.

  • Wings can be drawn in different ways.
  • All stitches on his body are tattoos, except the stitches on his belly.
  • He has an abnormally long tail as a birth defect. The length can vary. But if you draw him, make sure its long!


Write about their story here. This box will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit. Sed vitae lorem mi. Sed pulvinar euismod nibh, a placerat ante venenatis egestas. Aliquam at ullamcorper arcu. Suspendisse efficitur fringilla nulla, eu malesuada tortor mattis eget. In auctor lorem a diam congue sagittis.


Cras molestie porttitor sollicitudin. Pellentesque ac turpis accumsan, efficitur erat et, mollis massa. Etiam sit amet vehicula neque. Suspendisse non sodales purus. Phasellus luctus lacinia est sed pellentesque. Suspendisse et molestie mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam sed velit id quam efficitur condimentum quis eget quam. Nullam tincidunt semper eros, eu imperdiet nulla. Quisque consectetur metus nibh, non sodales ipsum rhoncus at. Orci varius natoque penatibus et.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit. Sed vitae lorem mi. Sed pulvinar euismod nibh, a placerat ante venenatis egestas. Etiam in sodales massa.


Eclipse [ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu.

Booger [ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh. Aliquam at ullamcorper arcu. Suspendisse efficitur fringilla.

code by 00Ishikawa00