


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Fledgling (89 years)

humanoid form height


dragon form height





They/Her (Likes feminine pronouns but doesn't identify as a women)




Chaotic Good


Playful || Thickheaded || Eager


Blacksmith || Dragon Guard


Raw Meat || Parties || Delicate Metalworks || Gold || Sparring || Making personalized gifts || Humans || Making friends



Good at

Making Armour || Making Weapons || Carving loot out of monsters aka Harvesting || Roar Attacks

Bad at

Holding back emotion || Interpreting said emotions || Dealing with personal loss || BEING SUBTLE || Delicate Metalwork


Able to weaponize her voice, and cause vibration/disruption damage with her roar.. She can also manipulate her voice to be softer than a whisper and throw her voice but she doesn't really utilize these. Can shift into a humanoid form, which she prefers when staying inside the city.


In dragon mode there body is pudgy with powerful muscles underneath || They like to make small changes to their human form for fun but mostly keeps to a certain image as to not confuse the humans around them || Despite that, She has one masculine form. Its based on an old friend she used to know who had passed away ||






Pygmy Aether Dragon


Hisui (Father figure and mentor), The Hunter (Past lover and first human companion), The Prince (Best friend)


Name means the peoples friend. In the tribe she was born into but ultimately left, young dragons dont have a name and are referred to as "Fledgling". It is the dragons job to find themselves a fitting name. 

Arywn is this dragon who is really small compared to other dragons, shes a pygmy dragon. She was born into a tribe of dragons known for being extremely haughty and staying to themselves for the most part. They live on an archipelago of floating islands. SO. Dragons are hatched in groups, and arent raised by their parents but have mentors chosen for them once they hatch and are raised by their mentors. And they arent given names, theyre typically addressed as Fledgling until they are old enough to chose a name for themself. Its not like, rare for another dragon to suggest a name but over all they usually choose for themselves. Arwyns mentor was this old, grumpy jade dragon who liked to laze around in the sun for the most part and tell her stories. And her favourite stories where about humanoids like elves and dwarfs and humans. Like, he never painted them in a particularly good light or anything (though his stance was pretty neutral on humans) but she was so intrigued by them. One day, while hunting in the forest below her island for big game she met a hunter. After a few awkward interactions and learning he was more comfortable with her humanoid form, they became good friends and she got to hear more about the nearby human settlements. The other dragons soon caught onto what her frequent hunting sessions really were and the reaction was not positive. The elder dragons were disgusted that one of there kind was interacting with something as vulgar as a human, and as a warning they killed the human (THEY THOUGHT) and kinda. like. grounded her. on the floating islands so I guess they. floated her?

For the most part the rest of the story still needs work, but after that she sneaks out again and something happens but in the end she is outcasted by her tribe, and chased away from their territory. More plot stuff etc, for a few years she stays in a small city and becomes a blacksmiths apprentice and finds out she really loves making armour and weapons, finds out the hunter from before survived and goes to live with him. Way later on she becomes friends with a prince after helping his empire out with a monster problem and joins his court as his personal body guard and blacksmith.