Mala-Ki Uarbett



4 years, 3 months ago


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Marital STA





Duke Mala-Ki Uarbett the Third.

30 yrs.







Gryst, the Braat Sector.


Jedi Knight.



Physical Description

      Pale skin, white slceras, pink irises and violet-red pupils. Hair is dark red. Natural fangs on top row of              teeth, as well as on the bottom. Natural red claws on hands and feet. Usually dresses in dark clothing.

Mental + Emotional









Born on the Outer Rim planet of Gryst, in the Royal Braat System, Duke Mala-Ki Uarbett lived his young life becoming accustomed to the politics of the Grys Court. However, by the time he was fifteen, he was found to be force sensitive by a stranded Jedi Master, Yurrov Letuq. Not wanting to take the boy from his well-loved responsibilities and purposeful life, but feeling that he must be trained in the force, Master Letuq chose to stay on Mala-Ki's home world to train him for the better part of his teen years. Mala-Ki proved to be an excellent and intelligent student, who was serious but still held plenty of joy in his heart. He had the air of someone whose youth had seen no hardships. Letuq thought this trait, though pleasant, would do him no favors in the long run as either a Duke or a Jedi. Certainly not both. It was time for Mala-Ki to leave home, before he could ever undergo the Trials, he would have to have some knowledge of the suffering that festered in the galaxy. Mala-Ki agreed.
Together, they left for the planet of Ryloth, where Master Letuq and Padawan Mala-Ki were assigned to help the with relief efforts after an attack by the Separatists on an unsuspecting village, but before they could get there, their ship lost an engine. The pair were forced to land on one of Ryloth's three moons. Here they ran into a lost gaggle of pirates, whose ship had also landed due to unfortunate circumstances. Their leader, Captain Gana Harkin; a rough and temperamental Nartoli woman. Mala-Ki was immediately attracted to her. Letuq proposed that they help each other get off the moon and Harkin agreed. Later, on Ryloth, Mala-Ki would meet Harkin again, while searching for natural medicines for the villagers (something he had become very good at). It was clear that the two were mutually infatuated with one another and spent much time together despite Master Letuq's disapproval.
Six months on Ryloth had not only significantly improved the condition of the place, but it had formed a bond between Mala-Ki and Harkin that would change them both forever. Though both still upheld the duties of their opposite agendas, they had grown very close. During one of their meetups, Harkin revealed that she was pregnant. Mala-Ki found this news to be mortifying but wonderful. Though they were worried, they decided to have the child, and somehow, Mala-Ki would have to confess to his Master about it. He feared being kicked out of the Jedi Order for his attachments. Being a Jedi had become the single most important thing he could do in his life. More than courtship, more than culture. It was about helping the galaxy. In loud and silent ways. However, he loved Harkin and would sacrifice even that to keep her and his unborn child safe.
Master Letuq took the news so quietly, Mala-Ki could have sworn his Master had turned to stone because of it. In truth, Letuq had expected as much. He made the decision not to tell the Jedi Order of this, and to keep it "in the family." This lead to Harkin giving birth to the child on Ryloth, just outside the village, at midnight on Mala-Ki's twenty-third birthday. They named their daughter, Ming. Mala-Ki and Harkin married soon after. Master Letuq and Mala-Ki joined the fight on Geonosis a month later, and they did not return to Ryloth for some time. The marriage and Ming being a heavy secret that neither Padawan or Master dared to speak about to each other, for fear of others finding out. Letuq wanted nothing but success for his Padawan, whom he'd come to view like his own son in the time he'd watched him grow up. It was time for the Trials. Mala-Ki would pass on his first try, becoming a Jedi Knight and soon after turning twenty-four. With this development, he went to see his wife and daughter to get them to return to Gryst with him for a better life. Here he hoped to see his family grow and become elite members of his home society, while he juggled being a Jedi Knight. Here, he knew they would have all their needs met. He could give them anything they desired. Harkin hadn't previously known about Mala-Ki's wealth. This excited her and she quickly moved in with him to his lavish home in the cloud-dwelling mountains of Gryst. It was a wealth of things Harkin had never experienced, and it relinquished her inward cries for adventure and riches for some time. This pleased Mala-Ki greatly. Things went swimmingly for the next year or so.



Daily Life




"Despite what the galaxy desires my fate to be- I demand more."
