Batel Karn



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info






female (she/her)


probably one of the older siblings




Batel Karn is one of nine aasimar siblings in service to the Sarenrae temple in the Temple district.

-Batel is the most medically proficient sibling, taking up study in mental health, magical healing, medicinal healing, and to a degree, hormonal treatment. While she tries to be non-combatant, preferring to heal as opposed to maiming and killing, her path has taken her to many battlefields as a healer. She is still trained in combat, regardless of her reluctance to fight.
-While Batel is rather intelligent in study, many jokes tend to go over her head, and she can be a little dense in social behavior. This comes across less as unsocial and unfriendly, and tends to come across as entertainingly oblivious.
-While Batel still upholds the common family decoration of gold jewelry and design, She enjoys simplicity and comfort in her clothes. Loose, simple clothes
-Batel likes building relationships, finding friends in strange social circles as well as her patients, a trait that finds her a little more well known in higher circles than some of her siblings.
-She likes to be crafty, creating little trinkets of simple materials such as twine, stones, and wood with varying degrees of success. needless to say...the end results are not great. but she takes much joy in the work regardless, settling for spending much of her free time simply wrapping and braiding intricate designs of string, yarn, and twine.
-She is very fond of cats. there is one or two that wander the temple, regardless of her presence. They do tend to hide away in her quarters nonetheless.

-Batels blight is located on her shoulders and across her back, descending a little way down her back and trailing off on the left side of her ribs. While her blight doesnt cause a lot trouble in function, it causes significant tension and soreness in the affected area. Batel frequently takes breaks in her work to stretch and work the muscles. without such attendance, the tension could lead to more intense pain and potentially significant damage