Sli's Comments

Do you know if the species is still active? I see the creator's account is inactive.

I don't know for sure, but looking at the creator's account u can still find em active in some place. I'd have to do some more digging to give a clear answer ;~;/

Thanks for the info, unfortunately it seems they aren't on DA anymore and I don't have an account for the other sites rip. Cool species though! I would have loved to get one :)

no problem! I'm not sure if ill ever finish my redesign for this lad or use him. so if you have anyone you wouldn't mind trading, I wouldn't mind looking threw em ^^/

Oh really? Ok! Feel free to look through here:

I really like these two ;w;'/ (I'm open to working this out) |

26 Replies

Oh! Forgot to say too, I can draw for ya as well if that can make up some difference or cover the trade: