


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Juno

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bie-sexual (haha)

Relationship Status: Single Pringle

Animal/plush: Cat

2 eyes (C) | Black Sclera (C) | Slit pupils (C) | Cat (C) | Slime Insides (C)



Playful - Juno often likes to tease or harass his fellow Bies but all in the name of fun. This could range from playing the devil's advocate, poking fun, playing games and generally being a tease.

Massive Masochist - Someone stitched this Bie backwards because his pain receptors are out of wack. Juno experiences high levels of pleasure when inflicted any amount of pain whether it be physical, verbal or emotional. Inflict enough pain and things might get a little NSFW. Otherwise, he seeks out those who can provide this sort of stimulation for him and it is often what motivates him. 

Clingy - Once Juno gets a hold of you or starts to like you, it's hard for him to let go....both physically and socially. He loves hugs and a good cuddle and will most likely chase you down for one in a crowd. It's hard for him to let go of friends and even after distancing from him, he's likely to act like nothing happened and follow you around regardless.

Destructive - Juno is both destructive and self-destructive. If he's not picking at his own stitches, he's picking something or someone else's. He would paint walls and furniture with his insides no matter where he is and often make a mess of things by tearing them apart or knocking them over. He also likes to go out of his way to inflict harm on himself whether that be stepping into the street or catching a knife with his body or generally throwing himself off thingshe finds himself at the infirmary quite often and abhors being scolded there. 


- Pain Pain Pain Pain
-Jelly Donuts
- Pink
- "Lulu" <3


- Going to the Doctor's
- Cleaning
- Being tickled


-Gives nicknames to people he meets

-If you stick your hand in his insides, they come out of his mouth.

-He picks at his stitches

-Wears bandages so he doesn't pick at his stitches

-He will get violent when tickled

-Paints with his insides when bored

-Has human junk, must wear pants

-Has a history with Luther



Link to DA: TBA

Permission to draw art of this necrobie as a gift/surprise: Of course <3