


4 years, 3 months ago


name ♥ butterfly

pronouns ♥ she/they
birthday ♥ october 5th
sexuality ♥ bisexual

physical butterfly is a chubby cat, with long, fluffy fur. she has a relatively average height, with longish legs. her tail is the length of her body, and incredibly soft. her cheeks flare out into fluffy tufts of fur, and her ears are tipped similarly. her coat is a pale ginger color, with large patches of white changing the layout of her design over time. as an adult, the only ginger showing through covers her front left paw and left ear, the length of her tail, which ends in a heart shape on her rump, and streaks like tears running down from her eyes to the edge of her cheeks. similarly, she has lavender colored markings under her eyes and in a crescent shaped moon on her forehead. her eyes are small and a pale sea green color. her nose and paw-pads are a dark charcoal color, with the exception of her front left, which has a small heart-shape colored pink, resting in the middle of her pad.

mental as a young cat, butterfly was filled with anger and self-loathing. having felt abandoned by her family and peers, she takes out her frustrations by lashing out and fighting with others. she works hard to prove herself, but has an incredibly hard time communicating, as she doesn't understand that others have feelings. life throws her some hard lessons to learn, and she eventually turns her thought process around. now more restrained and polite, she makes a few friends for the first time. her constant fear of hurting others has a drawback, however, and she becomes fearful of speaking up for herself. essentially becoming the exact opposite of who she was before. as a young warrior she struggles to find a balance between loving herself and standing up for her own autonomy. throughout this, however, she has no problem sticking up for those who are close to her, and will always use her teeth and claws to protect those she loves.
clan ♥ river
rank apprentice, warrior, {deputy, medicine cat}
mentor ♥ brooksong
apprentice ♥ tangleheart


name meaning
butterfly ♥ her markings and color as a kit
heart ♥ her passionate nature | pond ♥ her penchant for healing


favorite things
food ♥ crab & salmon
colors ♥ purple & orange
season ♥ autumn & spring
weather ♥ rainy

skills ♥ swimming & deep diving
scent ♥ lavender & vanilla
weaknesses ♥ patience & not thinking before she speaks

dislikes ♥ tight spaces & waiting
history ♥ butterfly's parents were two cats of wildly different backgrounds. rosebud was born to a group called 'the followers', nomadic cats who went around helping heal sick and injured cats, as atonement for the sins of their ancestors. rosebud's family was part of the core group, and had a long line of leadership within her blood. despite being an obedient and respectful child, she fell for an outsider, who refused to join the group. when she fell pregnant with his kit, she left the group and traveled with him for some time. when she became pregnant a second time, she ran away from the abusive tom and tried her paws at journeying herself. eventually she stumbled on clan territory and was taken in by riverclan. there her kits grew up, and she eventually found a mate with a riverclan tom, having two more kits in the process. butterfly was a rambunctious cat through to her early warrior stage in life. unable to settle down, she had a hard time figuring out where she wanted to direct her life. she trained hard as a warrior, but the back of her mind always called to that nurturing part of her, and she always wondered if medicine was her true calling. eventually she became deputy, and at the sudden change of position, she knew she had to make a decision quickly. war broke out between riverclan and thunderclan, and the young deputy felt useless watching her clanmates succumb to injuries sustained in battle. stuck in limbo, she needed to decide whether the warrior life was for her or not. 
parents ♥ rosebud & stripe
siblings ♥ beetletail, mothpaw, cricketpaw
mate ♥ none
kits ♥ none

speaks in #967bb6