Jikosei Iyasai



4 years, 3 months ago


Reworking lore

Name: "Jikosei Iyasai" (Fake identity) (Tentotsū Kachi is his true name)

Japanese Name: 嫌最事故性 (価値天凸)

Age: 30s?? I ?? You guys know the gist, ages elude me

Gender: Male he/him only

Height: 5'11


Occupation: Quirk counselor at a middle school, oop he's also in the league of villains

Quirk:  His real quirk is called "Transfer" - He can transfer injuries from his own body onto another person/living creature (and corpses, but this is only for smaller wounds) by locking eyes with them. He can also take someone's injuries and transfer them onto his own body, same process, just has to lock eyes with them. Alternatively, he can touch his target to transfer injuries, but this is much weaker than the locking eyes method.

The quirk he's registered as having is "Self Regeneration" - Self explanatory. The way he's able to pretend this is his quirk is he'll often have a freshly dead mouse/hamster in his pocket. That way if he ever needs to "prove" or "demonstrate" his quirk he can just stick his hand in his pocket and touch the animal discreetly.

Equipment: Knives and blades, self explanatory, they're knives and blades. Glasses, self explanatory again, he's blind as fuck

Personality: This man is a full blown sociopath. Realllllly good at pretending to be normal. He basically has two personalities/modes. Outwardly he's extremely friendly, goofy, outgoing, caring all that good stuff. As a quirk counselor for the students at the middle school, he's extremely gentle and patient with the students. Extremely trustworthy and seemingly always knows exactly what to say to comfort someone. This is all a facade though, in reality, he doesn't care about the students or anyone else he works with. His real personality is a lot more unstable, he laughs and giggles at random moments, has a short temper and will get violent when angry. Despite his anger issues, he is most often smiling. He enjoys toying with and hurting people mentally and physically, it's just fun to him. He'll do anything and everything that brings him some sort of satisfaction or pleasure. Really wouldn't do something if he didn't think it would benefit him in the long run.

Other??: His eyes change to green when using his quirk. He's exceptionally skilled with blades and knives. Has an extremely high pain tolerance (due to his quirk and just over all getting used to pain). His fighting style is very odd, if he's backed into a corner or if he just wants to surprise his enemy he'll start attacking himself with his knives then transfer those wounds onto his opponent. Though he is skilled enough with his knives to outright attack his opponent, he just finds this method more fun. Of course, when he's in a hurry he'll just straight up slice n dice whoever he's fighting. Wears really over sized clothing because he just doesn't like the way he looks. He doesn't care what other people think of him, he himself just thinks he shouldn't look the way he does. Sweats and blushes slightly at all times, when asked about it he blames it on his (fake) quirk, the reason being it heats up his body at all times to promote healing. The real reason he blushes and sweats is cause I'm a degenerate and think it makes him look psycho so y'know...yeah. Joined the League he wants the ability to do whatever he wants without the threat of being stopped by heros, cause y'know, jail is no fun 

Themes: Kara Kara Kara no Kara - Kikuo , Hide and Seek -  Ho-ong-i (Lizz Robinett cover) , Test & Recognise - Seekae (Flume Re-Work) (To fully understand his character, play them all at once)