


7 years, 6 months ago


L u n a r ♂

A catmoth Prince of the country boardering Tiara's and childhood friend to the princess as well. Lunar is technically still engaged as Tiara's fiance, but was "dumped" in favor of Tiara's calling to become a knight, which sparked a lot of tension between the two kingdoms. He's very softspoken and sweet by nature, knowing full well that everyone just needs to calm down and let Tiara pursue her passions.

He feels like Tiara is more of a little sister to him and is in no rush to marry either, often reminding people looking for Tiara that they're the ones only making things worse. ;3 

Lunar dislikes Yorrick immensely, but has no solid proof to the Dreamy's involvement in the unrest within Tiara's former court. He fears that if he doesn't keep him in check via negotiations around his next "potential" marriage to merge the kingdoms...That something truly terrible will occur.

Recieved through trade from Yeruekiah .