Dorian T. Rickster



4 years, 3 months ago


halfish fae, on his mothers side. his birthmark is where his mothers blood hit his face when he was younger after his father murdered her bc she was a murderer. acted out when he was younger to get attention, loves attention.

pickpocket, his best friend is Algernon. they dont travel together frequently, but they have been known to occasionally. they meet up often though. they send each other letters, too. 

 his mom was a changeling and was killed by his father after she had him, and some of his moms blood got on his face and stained it(fae magic is weird man) so it looks like a birthmark so the father was like "i knew she did fucked up things but this is also my son and hes just a baby so i will raise him" but like a living reminder of killing someone on ur sons face kinda led to a sense of detachment and resentment from the dad and one time his dad heard dorian talking to a priest or smthn and heard him asking if the goddess would love him like a parent would and whrn the priest said yes dorian sat there silently for a moment and said "like a good parent?" and then his father ollyed out of hearing that and went home and got drunk so like dorians dad tried to love him and he wasnt the worst he just wasnt that good either. he never beat him or kept him unfed or anything. didnt ignore him really. just didnt love him enough. never enough affection, never any extra love or help dorian heard of religion and went "damn theyll love me? sign me up" dorian picked fights with kids when he was younger for attention while also trying to be teachers pet teacher "dorian, why dk you get into all these fights? dont you want to be good?"  dorian ":'(" dorians dad, coming to pick him up "im very disappointed in you"  dorian, just delighted that his dad is solely focused on him: "Yes, im very sorry" dorian and algernon meet in a dark pub bc dorian sees algernon in the center of a group of people and is like "whats goin on" and turns out algernon got caught stealing so dorian is like "ill take him to the sheriffs office, why dont the rest of you go and sit down, ill make sure to rough him up on the way there" and they said yes, dorian took him outside and was like "ok lets run bc i pickpocketed 3 of those guys" and algernon goes "oh good bc i pickpocketed the other 2"