Graham Lal



4 years, 3 months ago


NAME: Graham Lal (nicknames: ham)

AGE: 28

DATE OF BIRTH: April 13th 1992

SEX/GENDER: DMAB, Demiboy. Uses he/him/his, they/them interchangeably. Is ok with male gendered titles and gender neutral terms.

ROM/SEXUALITY: INFO HERE. Aroflux (fluctuates from full aro to grayaro to reciproromantic+demiromantic - although he is more inclined to call these alterous, as the romantic attraction is still always subdued), demisexual (but tends to be more attracted to male-presenting people). A breakdown of the four types of attraction he feels.

HEIGHT: 6'1" 

WEIGHT: Beef Heavy

HAIR: Dark brown to black, spiky and very messy. Soft and smells of strawberries. Sometimes smudged with flour. Has a few grey hairs, like a silver crown (currently undercut).

EYES: Electric blue, big with long eyelashes. He has awful eyesight, so he needs his glasses always - no matter how many times he shows up without them. Has been using lenses more often lately. Sometimes applies eyeliner to them.

BUILD: Tall, top heavy, muscular but with baby fat. Strong arms, thick thighs, plush butt. A good visual example, but Graham’s arms are more defined, and so are his hipbones. Big Teddy Bear.

POSTURE: Straight as an arrow, usually smiling. Sometimes leans on things or hovers idly.

MOVEMENT: He walks with a spring to his step, usually distracted by his surroundings. His air powers mark his motions very obviously, so he takes to flight even without noticing sometimes.

FASHION: Nerd-chic?? Plaid shirts, flannels, suspenders, shorts, bowties and occasionally suits. Mostly nothing during the summer, or when they don’t plan to go outside at all. Notoriously Naked in pictures. Enjoys wearing more feminine coded clothes too, especially dresses, croptops and ribbons. (Clothes tag)

COMPLEXION: Clear, brown skin, completely unmarked save for any love bites, some discoloration across his chest, the scar through his chest and claw marks left by his boyfriend.

BODY MODIFICATIONS: Tattoos: flowery design on his arms that glows in the dark, a forget me not on his right pinkie finger, cupid’s arrow over his heart, ladybug wings across the top of his back, a SNES controller across the back of his thighs. Piercings: tongue (glows), inside the upper lip, two on each hipbone, two on each collarbone.

MISC. NOTABLE FEATURES: ESFP personality type. Has arachnodactyly, terrible sleeper, PTSD, social anxiety, paranoia, abandonment issues, inferiority complex (which make him prone to frequent panic attacks), several body image issues. He’s working through these with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and might seek further help. Excellent piano player and cook. Great at belly dancing. Cold sleeper, and drools. Flies with his god tier powers all the time.


HOUSING: Sharing his fiancé’s teenie but cosy apartment. Home tag 

ROOMMATE(S): Morbid. Curio the ferret. Priscilla the tarantula. Icarus the cat, Totoro the tiny Snorlax. Cloud the sentient Swablu plush.

OCCUPATION: Freelance video game music composer. Earns cash off his published OST. Owner of Baradise Cafe. Professional cuddler.