




Shy, Gentle, Emotional

Gentle, emotional, crybaby, nervous.
Open (Limited)


  • His father
  • Nature
  • His forest
  • His grandmother
  • Peace
  • Being left alone


  • Uncle Jude
  • Cuz Cadence
  • Killing
  • Mistreatment
  • Intruders
  • Violence


The gentle and soft Blade of the past, the one whom hid to avoid being found by his abusive cousin and uncle. A boy who could not stand up for himself if his life depended upon it, has changed. The destruction of his fathers forest by his uncle wrecked him. Having watched his father suffer emotionally as well as physically, the damage that Jude's betrayal wrought on him. Blade, whom had always been a pacifist by nature, longing for nothing more than to enjoy a peaceful day in the sunlight with the faries around him. This young boy has requested to join the Druids as a soldier. He has very little magical talent to his name, but he, like his father, is a massive male with a great deal of strength to his name. A new desire burns in Blade. A desire to protect those around him from harm. To not sit and allow harm to come to himself or anyone whom, he cares about or loves. Though he still loves peaceful moments and wishes that he could enjoy the life of a pacifist, he knows that such a life is beyond him. He could run away and live quietly...but his family would suffer. He simply can not allow such a thing to happen. The boy who was once considered a pansy and a coward now trains with the Druids to battle to the death, if he must. With a strong heart and an even stronger will, he longs to protect the Drifting isles as well as the Druids who took him and his father in when they needed it the most. Strong, brave, loyal, and caring. He is a just warrior who hopes that one day he will get to see peace. He still holds on to his childish dreams, but he knows that they are just that...dreams.


A boy born of love between a mystical beast and an ordinary female. Blade spent a great deal of time roaming between his father and his mothers world. In the end, though, it was his fathers world that won him over...if not forcefully. Blade knows he will never be able to live a normal, mundane life as his mother does. Though he still yet follows in her footsteps somewhat. His beloved mother, a detective in the modern realm, seeks out justice for those whom have been wronged. In a same manner, Blade has taken up the sword and seeks to do the same on the drifting isles. His life of being assaulted by his cousin and uncle are over. His uncle having grown jealous and furious with Kunal to the point where he attempted to murder his own brother. Blade simply will not tolerate those sort of actions and will give his life to protect his father. A boy who is slowly growing up to be a man, he hopes to continue his training and properly be counted as a soldier of the druids one day.