
4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Detective Inspector Genevieve Ozenbaugh

Nickname: Oz

Race: Changeling

Age: Unknown but pretty old

Height: 5'3"

Gender: F

Sexual orientation: Lesbian

Class: Detective (or rogue)

Alignment: Unknown

Languages: Many

Key traits: Goblin form - Northern Goblin, tan fur, red hair, fuzzy bottom feet, yellow scarf. Human form - Lucy Liu wearing a yellow scarf.

Story: She works for an agency called CHANGE (The Committee for Help and Aid of the Next Generation's Environment) and gets hired on as a PI in various cities. She plays outside the law to get information out of people by changing into folks they know. Kind of like Shapeshifting Detective. Her ways of doing things are shady as fuck, but since she has a firm belief in that having good intentions makes it okay, it's kind of hard to convince her otherwise. Shapeshifting the amount of times she does puts a lot of physical strain on her body, so for a time she was addicted to pain killers. But now is usually seen holding a mug of kratom tea. She's almost always wearing her yellow scarf. If she doesn't, it's for work. If she's seen not wearing it, then you know it's not really her. She has a true form, but this is her preferred one