
Full name: Corvus
Meaning for name: Latin for crow
Do they like their name: Yessss
Nickname: Crow
Tribe: RainWing x SandWing x FurWing (shoutout to CarmenDragon)
Age/grade: 8 (dragon years)
How old they appear: 7 (dragon years)
Eye colour: Can change at will, but has recently been staying purple, perhaps it's for Luna??
Glasses?: No
Weight/build: Skinny bean
Height: Average
Main scale colour: Wine red
Spine/spike colour and shape: Light yellow and wavy
Taste in jewellery: Chunky rings
Healthy? Why or why not: No, his unrequited love for Luna is slowly affecting him
Music: Stripped
Daredevil or cautious: Daredevil
Are they the same alone: Yes
Good habits: Kind, able to think on the spot (e.g. when he said Luna was hid girlfriend to get her a familiar), humorous
Bad habits: Bottling up feelings, knowing how to murder a dragon
Hobbies: Singing, stand-up comedy
Family situation: Alright
Friend situation: Big bad
Worst fear: Never telling Luna his feelings
Favourite thing: His lil' crow tattoo
Role model: His father
What would break them: Leaving school before confessing to Luna
Best/worst thing in their life:
-Worst: Seeing Peaches and Luna get close
-Best: Being gifted with a ring of frost from Luna
What they are reluctant to tell people: All the feelings he's been bottling up
Opinion on sex/relationships: Demi-heterosexual
Major flaws: Keeps emotions to self, jokes to cope
How do they feel about themselves: Insecure
Selfish or selfless: Selfish, will benefit at other's loss if given an opportunity