Diane Bourgeois



4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Diane Annette Bourgeois







Date of Birth

March 25




Head Director






Bourgeois Corp.


The head of a mysterious intelligence organization operating in france, specifically providing support and intel work for the 1%. Taking over her father's position, she has led the organization with a new vision in mind, one very different from the one her father had.

Diane did not have the most forgiving childhood, being an only child to Frederic and Alexandra Bourgeois. Their family struggled to put food into the table each night. Her father had founded the organization when she was only a child, it gradually changed their life, money was no longer an issue. Diane and her mother lived a quiet life in the french countryside, having more than enough money to support a grand lifestyle, as her father stayed in paris for work. At 15, she decided to visit her father and live with him. soon after, as she turned 20, her father decided to retire and let Diane take the reigns, despite the disapproval of her own mother.

She was often considered to be a clever and sly girl, always knowing her way out of things and how to get what she wants. Though, her motives had always been unclear, as she only kept them to herself. After taking her father's place, Diane decided that her father's legacy needed a change. She started to make major changes in how the organization presents itself.

Diane's outgoing and carefree personality gave a different mood into what her father had done before her. She was known to host parties with her clients and future clients, instead of a private meeting. Her endless parties and galas were to attract more people into her business, taking in rich people who are exhausted and are in dire need of entertainment.

Though she is deemed to be an open person, getting on her bad side might end in death as she has learned to give no room for mercy in the business she's in.

Eight years into the business and she is thriving. Her facility is one of the most technologically advanced ones in the country. She has many of her men spread across the globe, doing their job. She remains to be as vigilant as ever, not letting her guard down and having a direct influence to the system she has built carefully.

Due to her influence having spread across Europe, she works together with the Italian mafia, having made good allies and colleagues. Because of this, she has had a hand in many incidents there. The more recent one being the factory incident and the gang massacre, having supplied a lot of intel work and weapons for multiple gangs.