Rongomaiwhenua "Rongo"



4 years, 3 months ago


I originally created her for a challenge at AAOC Amino, the challenge sadly ended quickly but I already fell in love with her :'> 

●•Basic Information•●
Age: 23
Birthday: April 17th
Gender: female
Full Name: Rongomaiwhenua (Earth Mother)
Nickname: Rongo (peace)
Sexuality: bisexual
Relationship: single
Origin: Avai'mu, Kahiki Waena 

●•Battle Skills•●
Physically wether strong nor fast, Rongo relies on her companions in fight. That makes her not as useless as it sounds, with her inspirational sounds and motivating music she can reveal the true power in any fighter. Her weapon is her nose-flute, without her she can still use her voice to sing but that's not loud enough to reach most friends in fight (and it sounds horrible but don't tell her that x>).
For when there's no other way she carries a dagger but she never had to use it yet. 

✫Added after Round 2: A magical stone from the temple has been embedded in Rongos nose flute, granting a special song: the song of the Rat-catcher. 

Spirit animal: Polynesian Rat
Ability: Bardic Inspiration
Weapons: Nose Flute (and a little dagger)
Armor: light armor 

Song of the Warrior ~ A fierce and loud fanfare, typically performed at the start of a fight. ~ Rises strength and defence of comrades. ~ Intimidates enemies, slightly lowers their strength and armor. 

Song of the Rat ~ A weird subliminal tune, sneaking into the ears of enemies. ~ Irritates the enemy, weekends their strength and lessens the effect of abilities and skills. ~ Friends should try to keep distance, the song is only faint but can do a lot of harm. 

Song of the Moon ~ A wonderful and calm lullaby. ~ Enemies fall asleep for a short amount of time. The stronger they are, the sooner they wake up. ~ Comrades regain a little amount of health. 

✫Song of the Rat-Catcher ~ Similar to the song of the Rat but faster and even more subliminal. ~ One enemies mind and action can be controlled for a limited amount of time and action (30-60 seconds controlling the thoughts or 1 action). ~ Since Rongo can only target one person to fiddle the sound into their ear, friends are safe. 

●•Other Skills•●
Charisma: She's a very charismatic person. It's easy to like her, she's always happy and making stupid puns. She loves attention and it's hard to not give it to her. She can be a little too much for calmer personalities and when she spots a shy person, she charges to them and drags them into the middle of attention x>
Cooking: Rongo is a passionate cook. She loves to eat good but dispises poorly made food. Her specialities are self made sauces, marinades and dressings, she always carries a little jar around to add some spice to everything.
Fishing: She's not the best at fishing, but it's one of the things her grandparents thought her to do. It's enough to catch a fish for dinner.
Music Instruments: Her main focus lies on the nose flute, she learned the art of it from her grandmother who she loves dearly. She's also capable of playing other flutes and some percussion instruments like drums, bongos, castanets,...

Height: 162cm | 5'3" Weight: 64kg | 141lbs
Figure: chubby
Hair: curly, dark brown
Eyes: dark brown
Tatoos: samoan patterns on legs and arms, a tiny tribal-rat on the neck
Piercings: at ear, wears small and big ones depending on situation.
Accessories: at festivities she's full of jewelry, usually she only wears flowers in her hair. And a rat on her shoulder :>
Short description: Rongo is a chubby small female, the tattoos on her arms and legs are similar to each other and contain of samoan patterns. She has dark, medium long curly hair and likes to wear white, red or black flowers. She likes to wear dark make up and paints her finger and toe nails dark. Her eyes are dark brown. She's proud of her figure but feels uncomfortable if her big forehead is pointed out. 

Alignment: Neutral Good
Likes: festivities, attention, music, good food, her grandparents
Dislikes: incompetent authorities, wasted food, being humiliated 

●•Daily life•●
Home: Rongo lives in a small hut together with her grandparents which are a well situated due to granny being a local tutor for the youth.
Work: she doesn't have a specific workplace, she sometimes cooks for other families, sells her sauces and marinades and sometimes she performs on festivities or private parties.
New situation: since strange tribes of unknown origin invaded the land where Rongo and her clan resides, she carried on learning the tradition of nose fluting from her grand mother to not only provide beautiful sounds but also inspiring and motivating spells to her comrades. 

●•Family, Friends and Foes•●
Grandparents: Took care of Rongo since she was little, she loves them dearly. Grandmother is a teacher herself and taught her all she knows, grandfather is a calm and wise old man.
Rongos parents vanished when she was only a few years old, she can't remember them very clearly.
Sibling: Rangos younger sister was raised by another family, they haven't had much contact yet.
Band members: there're a few other people doing music in the clan, jamming together with them is Rongos favorite activity. Old Ppl: the older you get the more respect you gain. Rongo really enjoys time with the elders and listen to their stories, by now she knows some of the islands best secrets. Rat: a chubby polynesian rat that keeps appearing when Rongo plays her nose flute. She called it.. rat.
Rongo is usually a very peaceful human being, when upset she's not resentful and back to normal really quick. Therefore she doesn't really have actual foes around the clan, but since war is about to begin there will be some enemies soon. 

Childhood: Rongo was told that she was found in her parents hut, trying to take care of her little baby sister even tho she was just a little kid herself. Their parents seemed to have left a few days before, they never returned. Rongos grandparents took care of her but gave her little sister away to a much younger couple who was unable to give birth on their own. They meet regularly but they don't have much in common anymore. As a child Rongo was taught everything she knows by her grandmother, which is the local tutor and teaches young children the old ways, how to use their surroundings and be a valuable part of the clan.
Teenage Years: The older she got, the more she wanted to do. Ignoring all warnings and dangers she and her friends were roaming parts of the island to undergo all kinds of adventures. She never understood why some places were restricted just because one person decides so. Whitout a proper reason she'd never listen to anything. That's also when a little rat came out of nowhere while Rongo was playing her flute in the jungle, it seemed to like the sounds and vanished into one of Rongos pockets to remain there. For Rongo this was a sign of the great Fele Afi'i since it represents her spirit animal which was chosen at the cave which holds the special gems. She felt approved in what she's doing. Rongo had the chance to train her abilities in a more or less safe area, back when using your abilities was only neccessary for work or fun since no stranger faces to cross the borders.
Adult Years: Rongo became an "adult" shortly, she still lives at her grandparents place and won't move anytime soon since protecting the clan will be her main priority when war begins. She's not as rebellious as she was when she was younger but she still insists that some sort of reason must be given before acting. Even if it's a irrational one. Now that her bardic skills became more important than ever, Rongos motivation is on its maximum and she can't wait to support her clan in the fight!