

4 years, 3 months ago



Book Apex

witch's furniture ⚬ 40s ⚬ active

Following her demise at the hands of Rimose Defender, APEX gains a new vessel in the form of the Book of One Truth. While inhabiting the book vessel, she cannot be defeated by any ordinary means, and is used as an attack dog by the Witch of Miracles.

She doesn't seem to mind her twisted circumstances; at this point, Apex runs almost entirely on spite, and will take any chance to get back at her enemies. Even at the cost of her freedom, even if it means becoming someone else's dog, she will move for nothing but revenge.

If the Regent could see you, she would shed bitter tears.

Name Kʏʀɪᴇ Alias APEX
Age 40-something Pronouns she/her
Class Furniture-Witch Compendium Ruin
Species Witch's Furniture Role Attack Dog
Status Active Theme 黄泉津比良坂CORRUPTION
Likes winning Dislikes nothing in particular

Friendly Reserved

Polite Rude

Serious Immature

Sensitive Tough

Brave Timid

Cautious Impulsive

Hopeful Pessimistic

Sincere Deceptive

Organized Messy

Diligent Lazy


Vessel: Book of One Truth
Titles: Voracious Witch, Witch of Ruin, Black Witch, Endless Witch
Sponsor: Lady Bernkastel
Status: Active

"You made it, huh?
You know, I'm kinda...jealous."

She will never, ever be satisfied.

She does not utilize any summons. Even if she had still been able to, she prefers to do things by her own hands.


Attack [ Immeasurable ]
Defense [ Excellent ]
Magic [ Excellent ]
Resistance [ Immeasurable ]
Agility [ Excellent ]
Accuracy [ Excellent ]
Stamina [ Immeasurable ]
Luck [ Excellent ]

Skill: blind pig on the 7th rank
This witch will ruthlessly chew through any target, leaving nothing but a trail of bloody havoc in her wake.

Skill: past the brink
She has trespassed the borders of life and death. The tethers that once commanded her respect have been cut; she no longer has any regard for her own life.

Skill: absolute check
As long as the Book of One Truth and Rimose Defender both exist, she cannot be defeated.

Flaw: chain & collar
Without obtaining the key to the Book of One Truth, this witch will remain muzzled and bound.

Flaw: insatiable
The hole inside her will never be filled.

Flaw: broken sugoroku
Her path twists, overlaps, and contradicts itself; her unresolved identity is her biggest blindspot.



Following Apex's defeat at the hands of Rimose Defender, her existence sank into Hell and scattered. Finally at rest, Apex dissolved into oblivion, sealed away in the dusk of the catbox.

However, it was a short-lived rest. The Witch of Miracles gathered the pieces of her existence, stitched together by the pages of the Book. Given life once more inside a new vessel, Book Apex reawakens to that awful gnawing hunger.


At her new master's command, Book Apex obstructs the fledgling Witch of Resurrection and her Defender as they attempt to secure the Book. Rimose Defender stays back to hold Book Apex off; their battle is arduous and hopeless, because the very Truth that sustains Book Apex's existence bled red from Rimose's own heart.

As long as Rimose Defender still believes the words she herself wrote, the book she herself authored, she cannot ever defeat Book Apex.

It is carnage; still, Rimose Defender is desperate to protect her fledgeling. The Witch of Miracles does not call off the slaughter.


Only at the very end, when the fledgeling Witch of Resurrection ascends to the title of Lady, does the tide turn. Armed with a brilliant golden Truth, the Witch of Resurrection defies the bloodshed. Hearing her words, the warmth of her Truth, even Rimose Defender is able to discover a speck of gold.

Adorned in gold, Rimose Defender is able to defeat Apex once more, finally absolving herself of the book writ in red. Conquered at last, Book Apex is freed of her contract; the Witch of Miracles releases her from duty and she fades once more.

Whether she was satisfied at the end of her journey, only she can say.