Gumiya Blaze



4 years, 2 months ago


"Hello! I'm Gumiya, and I might be you next summer love."



 NAME Gumiya Blaze
 PRONOUNS   He/him 
 AGE   19 
 GENDER   Male 
OCCUPATION  Design school student

- Just and extravagant kid who likes pastel colors and cute guys. 

- He dreams of being a fashion designer.

- Theme song.


Harajuku fashion
Pastel colors
Sweet food


Loud noises
Spicie food
Rude people


He has a part-time job as a maid on a maid café.

His mother is japanese and his dad is argentinian.
He can speak japanese, spanish and english. 


- 'Looks soft but could kill you' type of personality.

- Always happy and optimistic, could easily cheer you up or annoy you.

- Romantic and flirtatious.

- Very sweet, loves tu hug people.

- Doesn't look like but he's very strong.


He has a gradient from lilac to pink on his hair.
His eyes are naturally red.
He doesn't have a defined outfit.



- Gumiya vive en una casa tipo con su madre y su padre, y como ellos son de diferentes nacionalidades Gumiya sabe hablar Japonés (idioma de su madre) y español (idioma de su padre), además de inglés que estudia aparte.

Cuando era chico vivía una vida aburrida sin tener un objetivo o meta que quisiera cumplir, no sabía qué era lo que le apasionaba y se sentía perdido, hasta que un día descubrió las diferentes estéticas de moda de las personas de Harajuku (ciudad de japón) mediante fotos del pasado de su madre como lolita. Estos estilos de vestir le llamaron tanto la atención que lo llevan a tener un cambio completo de look y decide que cuando crezca quiere dedicarse al diseño de ropa.

-Tuvo una novia cuando estaba en secundaria, Mari, pero solo duraron un año ya que él terminó engañándola con un chico que era amigo de él, cosa de la cual se arrepiente todavía. Aunque se dio cuanta que está más interesado en chicos que en chicas, romperle el corazón a Mari de esa manera lo sigue haciendo sentir terrible.


-Gumiya live on a typical home with his mom and his dad, and because his parents have different nationalities he can speak both their native languages + english which he learned studying.

When he was young he lived a boring life, feeling lost and without a goal. But one day he discovered the city of Harajuku and the different fashion aesthetics of the people who live there, all of this through photos of his mom's past as a lolita. These clothing styles caught his attention so much that he decided to have a complete makeover and that when he grows up he wants to become a fashion designer.

-He had a girlfriend when he was in high shool, Mari, but their relathionship only lasted a year because he ended up cheating on her with a boy who was a friend of his. Although he realised that he was more atracted to boys than girls, breking her heart like that isn't something he is proud of, and the memory of that still makes him feel terrible.


