Camila Demoine



4 years, 3 months ago


MY SPY GIRL IS FINISHED (this is what insomnia and staying up until 3am does to you

Name: Camila Joanne Domaine

Nickname/Alias: C.J., 785 Cami, J.D. 

Codename: Agent D/Agent 78

Age: 27

Pronouns: She/Her

S.O.: Pansexual (Aromantic?) 

Personality: Sassy, bold, confident, acts like a tough guy, A little Narcissistic, big ego, towering presence, assertive, dominant, tries to be the alpha in the room, sporty, thrill-seeker, loves a good fight and a good challenge, a little cold 

History: When her parents were taken out by the Nova agency for some high-level crimes, she was taken at age 5, and after being referred to the Agency's training program by the head of the agency she began spy training at age 6 and officially became a spy at age 19

Likes: sports (especially baseball) Bar hopping, boneless wings, bats, breaking bones, beating up goons, comics, video games, sweets, traveling

Dislikes: CLubs, dive bars, sushi, mob bosses

Fears: Drowning, Clowns, snakes

Gadgets: Briefcase: carries all kinds of weapons and tools that are bigger and harder to conceal, sometimes doubles as a supercomputer/hacking system Utility belt: THe button in the center can expand and cover her in a fireproof, combat suit (that can protect her from gas, bullets, and extreme temperatures), also carries her more concealable gadgets Multistick: A small stick than can be activated and change into a sword, bo staff, grappling hook, bat, and a multitude of other weapons and tools Gas Bombs: She carries small colored Balls with diamond-shaped buttons. Once the button is pressed she has 5 seconds before the gas inside is released, the green is filled with knockout gas, the pink is full of flammable gas, and the purple is full of a paralyzing toxin  (she sometimes carries blue smoke bombs that also cover camera lenses in blue) Blowdart lipstick: Looks like regular lipstick but is full of small metallic pellets that are full of tranquilizer serum 

she also has a cellphone with her Husky puppy (Thor) as her screen saver

she lives in a beautiful villa (provided by the Nova agency) in  (idk suggest some places)

 Voice: Scarlett Johansson

Theme: Stronger than i ever was / Come baby Come