
4 years, 3 months ago



A mortal dragoness cursed to become a hideous monster by the gods, as punishment for her arrogance and hubris.

A SilkWing who was, for the first part of her life, like any other; keeping her head down, but flaunting her creamy-pale scales to anyone who would look at her. She was absolutely beautiful, and ridiculously full of herself. Almost no one could stand her, and to add to others' hatred of her, she considered herself 'above work' and often simply excused herself after she'd had her fill of gossip, much of which she spread. She was assigned to become a silk worker, but was lackluster at her job and mostly used it as an excuse to sunbathe. However, after realizing that she wasn't truly free, she joined up with the Chrysalis and snuck a pair of LeafWings into Bloodworm Hive alongside her partner Eyespots, which got her arrested and beaten to near-death. During this brutal mauling, she lost her sight, the use of one of her hind legs, and her beauty; her rosy scales were scarred and her once-lovely golden wings ripped to shreds. Once she had healed enough to not die whenever she attempted to step outside, she was forced to travel between Hives as a one-dragon freakshow, acting as living propaganda--obey Queen Wasp or you'll end up like HER.

The blindfold, which she wears at almost all times, is to cover what remains of her extremely sensitive eyes, which (along with her face) are heavily damaged by HiveWing acid. She also wears it as not to scare those unaware of her situation; a dragoness so hideous is already terrifying enough.