


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Albert

Age: 17

Height: 5'9"

Species: Bird humanoid

Gender: Male

Sex: Straight, though having second thoughts

Albert is typically a mute, introverted individual who was never the best at getting to know people, though one person he feels the most comfortable around is his lifelong friend Wuuly. If you didn't know him, you'd see him as a shady or untolerative person, when in actuality those sorts of people are the type he fears, as he knows himself to be a bit of the opposite.

He keeps Legos in his pockets most of the time to fidget with when he's not supposed to be doing anything specific, and though he doesn't own any actual sets, he's fascinated in them and talks about them with Wuuly since he happens to own some. 

When he's not visiting or hanging out with Wuuly, he often enjoys taking walks or bike rides around his neighborhood, or even simple things at home like playing video games and messaging people -- though life at home isn't always enjoyable for him, so he'd much rather get some fresh air instead. On his outings more often than not he stops to get pizza and cheesy bites, and if he's up to it, sometimes asks Wuuly to join him, but not so much as to make Wuuly think he's clingy. That's the last thing Albert could ever want.

A recent hobby Albert has wanted to pick up is skateboarding. From the looks of it and the occasional merchandise he wears (and his experience in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3) you'd think he'd live eat sleep repeat that sport, when in reality he's quite clueless. Nonetheless, that doesn't stop him from reading about the history of it and looking into some of the best boarders to live, from magazine subscriptions to articles, even if it makes him seem like a "poser". Wuuly has attempted in the past to teach him, but eventually came to accept that Albert isn't the most balanced person out there.

Albert stays quiet for the sake of feeling like he can't relate to people and doesn't open up very easily, though the girls at his school are a crowd he particularly avoids. He's not nervous or intimidated, but annoyed by their remarks he overhears about the fact he doesn't talk to people -- specifically them. However, he knows he has his reasons, so he doesn't let it get to him too badly, though contemplating it has him questioning his interests sometimes.