Tomasz R. Skarżyński (VII)



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Tomasz Rydwan Skarżyński


December 18th (actual age unknown, presumed to be 22-24)


6ft / 184.1cm


Tom, Tomek, Thomas, "Chariot"


"We won't let you have it your way, Curien!"

Being the second case of the zombie virus manifesting in children from mother-to-child transmission and also being named the "Nieśmiertelny Rydwan" (the undying/immortal chariot) due to his demeanor, Tomasz is a zombie that somehow got adopted into the same family as Curien M. Skarżyński (I), the undead biochemist. He tries his best to tolerate his flesh cravings, though inevitably he sometimes gives in during his missions as an investigator...

His attitude would best be described as someone who's unwilling to give up and push through with no regard on how hard he's pushing himself for... It still doesn't take away from looking to be unempathetic and cold at first glance, due to his nature of being a zombie, but as his role as an investigative figure he pretty much has to look that way, else he gets distracted by a civilian when he's trying to look for a criminal. One of the more identifying things about him is the big scar that runs diagonally across his face, but he prefers to not be questioned about it as it came from an accident in his childhood.

Like Curien, he also possesses a similar healing ability by "dying" via stopping his heartbeat/breathing temporarily to go into a death-like state to recover any wounds before rising back up, resuming his breathing/heartbeat, but hasn't had the need to do it as often as his biochemist brother as he really doesn't get attacked as much as him. Still, he also doesn't seem fazed by being attacked and seems to have nanomachines implanted in his body by someone researching them...?