XRift (retired)



4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Jordan Ryker/ O'Reilly




Early 30s






Time Manipulation (not active)


Skip O'Reilly (boss and eventual husband), Oscar O’Reilly (son), Chloe Bottcher (friend), Violet Lensherr (former friend), Erik Lensherr (former crush), Members of the Brotherhood of Mutants, Charles Xavier, Peitro Maximoff, various teachers and students at Xavier's Academy





Unlike other Rifts, XRift is quite sarcastic and confident, she doesn't care too much about what other people think of her, at least that's what she tells herself - there are a few select people whose opinions she values. She isn't one to follow the rules and tends to encourage a little rebellion from time to time, unless it is with chemicals because no one wants a blown up mansion. Deep down, she is quiet depressed which results in drinking issues. She doesn't really feel at home at the academy, but it's the only place she feels she can be of any good, so she stays and teaches Chemistry - which she taught herself through books and observations while she was being tested on. Her depression and drinking problem do get better after she joins Skip's gang, where she feels more at home. 


XRift's powers are the same as Rift's, however they are more powerful and have no connection to the Time Stone. She can manipulate time to her will and does so quite often while in the Brotherhood of Mutants. However, after her time jump, her powers become unstable and she has to take Hank's serum to disable them because if she didn't she risks dying or destroying the timeline (however she misses them very much). Prolonged use of her powers also resulted in her hair gaining green streaks, which did not go away even after her powers were disabled. Takes the cure when it comes out.


Rift's dad fought and died in WWII which left her mom to raise her and her brother on her own. However her dad's best friend survived the war and helped when he could. 

When she was a teen, XRift manifested, and her mom tried to help her, but she was out of her element. So when a government worker showed up saying they could help her learn to control her powers, XRift's mom believed them and sent her off. But instead of helping XRift control her powers, she was taken to a lab where she was experimented on constantly, scientists trying to extract her powers which resulted in them becoming unstable. 

Eventually she was able to escape the lab, but the lab changed her, she had killed people and she knew the lab workers would look for her at home, so she felt that she had no where to go. So she did what she could, hiding in the woods to avoid any government officials who might come looking for her, all the while teaching herself Chemistry and other schooling from books. For a few years she lived like this, until Charles and Erik came looking for mutants to recruit. XRift turned them down at first, as they were associated with the government. However, after the events of First Class, Erik found her again and she joined his group, feeling happy to have a place that felt like home. She gained a small crush on Erik as well, but never acted on it as him and Violet were already close and XRift liked XVi, so she kept her feelings hidden. 

During one mission, things turned south, and in an attempt to save the group, XRift pushed herself further than she ever had, which was too much for her unstable powers. In a flash, she was gone, making everyone think she had died. In reality, she was sent years into the future, almost 20 years in fact. She reentered the timeline a few months after the events of Apocalypse. With unstable powers that made living a normal life impossible, XRift sought out Hank, who she had heard about from Erik, to see if he could help her situation, as all of her attempts at creating a fix didn't work. He offered her the serum he took, which, upon taking enough, disabled her powers and helped her actually be able to live again.

Despite wanting her powers back, XRift didn't trust Hank's formulas enough to try any of his attempts at a cure for her, so she stayed at the Academy and teaches Chemistry, which she learned/taught herself during her time in the woods all those years ago. She didn't mind the students but she thought some of them were idiotic, the only student she really cared about was Peitro, as his parents are XVi and Erik. 

After some time at the academy, Chloe introduced her to the leader of a group that liberates mutants, Skip. XRift immediately felt more comfortable in the gang than at the academy, as their morals were closer to hers. However being on her own in an apartment did make her depression worse for a time. It took a dive for the worst when she found the old scientist that experimented on her and killed them. She had put too much hope in killing them, thinking it would fix everything, but it didn't. For a few weeks, she barely took care of herself, and if not for Skip keeping an eye on her and making sure she ate and took care of herself, things could have been a lot worse. However, she recovered and that sparked a deeper relationship between her and Skip. Taking care of plants also helped in her recovery and she started studying them, especially the toxic one and learned to use them in her formulas as well. 

Eventually her and Skip start dating and get married as well, resulting in XRift actually being happier than she ever thought she'd be. They also have one kid, Oscar, who Rift homeschools for a lot of his life (until she gets sick from the serum that keeps her powers from destroying her, but she gets better once she takes the 'cure') and he likes plants as well. 


Pinterest Board

Violet belongs to tinymintwolf

Chloe, Skip, and Oscar belong to captain.tuesday